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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

I would prefer another term than undulation. Partly because "undulation" removes the crucial energetic and moral character of this shift in our attentions.

I would say that, with increased capacity for attentiveness, we can learn to engage in Primary Thinking while simultaneously carrying out some of the tasks that inspiration teaches us are necessary. One can write while possessed of the inspiration which impels communication, indeed one of the naive mistakes of many poets is that writing cannot be accomplished in any other way. One can even eat while continuing to pray.

What we cannot yet do is fully pay attention to demanding tasks (including many condoned by our Primary Thinking) while sparing any attention. But how demanding a task is before it consumes all our attention is a matter of relative mental capacity, not easily amenable to dramatic improvement in this life, but still far from an insuperable barrier.

The other side of the coin is less tractable, Primary Thinking must engage with a reality which encompasses fully whatever capacity it is possible for our minds to have, thus it can always consume any amount of attention we have available to pay to it. And yet the result of Primary Thinking is inevitably an injunction to "condescend" from pure contemplation to give service, often menial, but sometimes highly demanding. However, this in itself means that we are freed from some standard of Primary Thinking requiring that we pay the contemplation of inspiration any particular degree of attention other than what is currently within our abilities. For a task that requires some finite amount of attention, you can say that lack of attention will lead to it being done badly rather than well. For Primary Thinking, the only difference is to do it or not, even if there were some finite limit to Primary Thinking, it would necessarily be larger than the capacity of our minds. We are always in the situation of only giving some fraction of the mental focus to Primary Thinking that would result in clear improvement of the results.

Thus our only options are to do it as much as is possible for us (which includes taking the time to serve as inspiration directs), or to not do it.

One key factor is that we must learn the difference between acceptance of what is and tolerance. Inspiration teaches us total acceptance, but commands specific intolerance. It is not humanly useful to attempt both acceptance and intolerance at the same time, even if we were able to do it ourselves, we are usually dealing with other entities (people or not) which lack any such clear distinction and thus can only be affected by one or the other at a given moment.

Thus Primary Thinking may lead you to accept the mortal condition of your body and the inevitability of death, but still command you to refuse to tolerate starving to death when you have a pantry full of food you could cook and eat (or a full wallet and a local grocery, or the ability to take work and fill your wallet or grow food yourself).

22 December 2017 at 06:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - Good points.

'Undulation' is not an ideal term - but there is none already available; presumably a term needs inventing.

22 December 2017 at 07:52