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Anonymous Ian Glendinning said...

Interesting. Thanks for this Bruce. I had that testimonial from Pirsig when I was doing my own biographical timeline research and shared with Mark Richardson writing Zen and Now. I didn't know it was, or had become, publicly available on Wikipedia. Like you I find the overplaying of "genius" to be an annoying side issue - a red herring. I simply found it interesting that he discovered he was the subject of that "longitudinal" study. Guessing his parent must have set him up for it seeing he was a bright kid?

14 May 2017 at 08:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Hello Ian - good to hear from you again. And I am pleased to discover the provenance of that document.

Given the experience of bening identified and followed-up as a gifted child from age 9, it is understandable that Pirsig would have mentioned the original intelligence estimaate of 170 in ZAMM - and apparently when courting his first wife.

I should make clear I am not quibbling with that estimate - which was as valid as such things can be. I am simply providing some context and explanation.

I should inform readers that Ian Glendinning hosts Psybertron; one of the premier Pirsig resources on the web - he is indeed one of THE Pirsig experts!

14 May 2017 at 14:07

Anonymous Rob T. said...

Isn't the 170 IQ obviously a ratio IQ, and therefore not so "stratospheric"?

23 July 2020 at 03:00