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Anonymous ben said...

If one assumes creatio ex nihilo, it can be assumed that God has created abstractions that underlie beings. Then we get the notion that beings come pre-categorized into humans, demons, angels, animals, whatever else.

And so everything can be wrapped up nicely in an intellectually satisfying way but at the cost of experiencing reality properly.

Makes deeper sense to imagine a dynamic situation of beings (some terrible, some great, some in between) some of which are entering this world through incarnation. Entering from different situations, exiting into different situations.

This puts me in mind of:

28 November 2022 at 17:01

Blogger lea said...

Equality referring to human beings is speaking of a tabula rasa as a starting point from which 'things can happen/ progress/ manifest/ whatever'. Theoretically that state is attainable later in life, after long meditation on a hilltop or a strong dose of psychoactive goodies, but as experience teaches us; never sustainable. So what the word usually ends up referring to is socio-economic status.

Of course it becomes entangled and inherently problematic immediately at that point. There are so many 'spheres of influence' interacting with each other that the word loses it's meaning almost completely off the back of that consideration. Equal according to 'which measures'?
How do we value these measures, how do they interact with the societal system at large?

Not everyone is suited for every task around, distribution mechanisms or dare i even say economies, are usually logical. You may even argue that bigger rewards for more complicated tasks completed are logical too. But somewhere along the road we let the 'benefit of scales' blindside our completely unprepared systems. Adam Smith wrote his book based on the reality back then with no preconception of the monstrosity we would end up with. There is currently no discussion of the the downsides of endless upscaling, despite the 100 billion Amazod markup during the sting operation, as just one item in a long list of 'some pigs are more equal than others'.

Inequality is actually the biggest problem we have, but it has been artificial for thousands of years. The great misconception however is that it is always about money or material goods.
When Rome started to believe in money as the key to everything, it fell.

29 November 2022 at 05:48