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Blogger Valkea said...

If a family, not the state, can make children more healthy and intelligent by eggcell selection, I dont see any reason to be against it.

25 October 2013 at 10:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Valkea - the bitter and nasty *controversy* about eugenics, which pretty much divides the Old (pre-1967 meritocratic) Left (who were very pro-Eugenics) from the New (post-1967 egalitarian) Left (who supposedly hate, hate, hate eugenics) was mostly to do with intelligence and behaviour (e.g. criminality) - not about health.

But if eggcell selection ever really happened, then almost all forms of selection (including health) would be differentially stronger against the lower orders - and there would be an implication that the most intelligent, best behaved, most healthy etc (i.e. the upper orders) *ought* to have more than two children on average.

Any widespread promotion or prioritization of childbearing and quality of offspring among the Leftist elites would have many knock-on implications for age of marriage and commencement of childbearing (which would need to be reduced from the current average of about 30), which would affect educational and workforce participation... in other words, politically correct heads will explode!

25 October 2013 at 12:31

Blogger Al said...

When one looks more closely, it seems to me that the Left is quite prepared to support different forms of eugenics. Its eugenics involve such things as seeking to drive down birthrates in Africa. Of course, this is often in the name of empowering women, but do they support provision for the African women struggling with infertility? Its eugenics also operate in the name of 'choice' as disabled children who are perceived to be undesirable can be aborted. Its eugenics involve the celebration of 'choice' in the use of reproductive technology and methods, means by which parents can select the traits of their offspring. Upper class eugenics is the sort of thing that means that Harvard-educated women like my girlfriend are offered up to $50,000 for egg donation, a practice that is increasingly normalized in the age of same-sex marriage.

25 October 2013 at 13:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Al - Yes, but those things aren't really eugenics - I think you are describing various ways of humans interfering with reproduction, but they are not strategically aimed at good breeding, at 'imporving the gene pool' - which would be eugenics.

Unsystematic, piecemeal, inconsistent eugenics isn't eugenics. There would have to be an overall, long-term group-genetic purpose to it.

25 October 2013 at 14:17

Anonymous Adam G. said...

I've wondered about the huge switch from the racist, eugenic progressives of the early 20th to now. You've nailed it.

As their godless philosophy has reached its logical nihilistic and hedonistic conclusion, they've rejected anything that would imply personal sexual obligations.

Many progressives are still highly racist and eugenicist in their private lives, of course. Only mates from the best schools with the right kind of family background need apply.

25 October 2013 at 16:59

Anonymous asdf said...

One of the things that's always struck me as strange about alt-right fervor on eugenics is how few had lots of children or any children at all.

Eugenics starts at home, have kids!

25 October 2013 at 18:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@asdf - As I keep saying, Alt-Right is Left - more proof!

25 October 2013 at 18:43

Anonymous dearieme said...

Ahoy, Bruce, allow me a wildly off-topic comment. In that Unholy of Unholies, the Guardian, I have just seen an article about an institution that I didn't know existed, a wee bank owned by the Salvation Army.

I'm staunch in my atheism but remain a firm fan of the Sal Dals. I shall consider whether there is any business I can put their way.

26 October 2013 at 09:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - Several of my extended family became (and remain) Salvation Army - having been in an Ulster branch of the Plymouth Brethren before.

What is interesting is that the SA are (I would have thought) very obvious real Christians, and yet they have no sacraments (no baptism or Holy Communion) - from which I infer that it is possible to be really and sustainedly Christian but non-sacramental.

The idea of dispensing with sacraments doesn't appeal to me, because I believe these things have some real effect and are helpful, but it just goes to show.

26 October 2013 at 10:08