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Anonymous Glengarry said...

Interesting article. On somewhat of a tangent, I these days think universities and higher education increasingly select for conscientiousness rather than IQ.

First, because of the greatly increased intake of students and how universities are funded. Second, because of the stretching of degrees. I believe the european standard is now 5 years for an engineer; graduate studies tend to drag ever on, and medical doctors have an endless treadmill.

It also leads to a gerontocracy, where eventually students spend their 20s in educational institutions to emerge on the lowest rungs of professional society when nearly settling into middle age. (Already a fact of life for the postdoc.)

28 June 2014 at 10:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Glen - Completely agree

28 June 2014 at 15:07

Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

I can't imagine sending anyone with an IQ under 120 to a university at all, but that's what the industry here in the States has banked upon. Get everyone in, promise them the world, then churn them out with art history degrees funded by government loans. I suspect that -- as a result -- more of the highly intelligent as skipping college, which now resembles four more years of high school, and going directly toward founding their own businesses.

28 June 2014 at 23:46