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Anonymous Mike Bryant said...

When I first started working in the NHS as an accountant in the early 1990s the hospital was still run by senior medical and nursing staff and everything was patient centered with minimal admin staff, then the managers took control with the threat of sackings if senior medical staff didn't comply with the new regime.
When I left the NHS a few years ago it was stuffed with managers and the dreaded Human Resources Department held sway and they would even openly admit the main purpose of the NHS was to spread equality not to treat patients.
I also notice in Friday's mini budget that although the country is now bankrupt the government has absolutely no intention of cutting government spending by cutting the bureaucracy they'd rather sack the nurses.

24 September 2022 at 16:41

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

Fascinating. They captured this phenomenon somewhat in that film Flyboys a while back. We had a similar fraternity - women included - in my class in flight school. Harsh years-long training with more than fifty percent being forced out by failure in flight tests and exams produced a kind of tele-empathic family bond between those of us that made it. This is probably the kind of intense love mankind was being sustained on in the tight-knit tribes, villages, hunting parties, and warbands that make up most of human history. By comparison, the modern world is a wasteland of dismembered loneliness.

I guess chivalry is just a fraternity that transcends sides of a conflict. A strange spiritual fraternity, based purely in the heart. The System seems to be designed to purge it from the earth, along with all other loves.

24 September 2022 at 23:32

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

Chivalry is the antithesis of bureaucracy. Even the best bureaucrats are simply managers keeping the System operating. Rather than being a bastion of warrior based honor, the US military is now an SJW corporation incapable of even understanding why or how to fight wars.

The Birdemic fully exposed doctors and scientists as being mere technicians, not professionals operating w/ a sense of autonomy. It's frightening how lockstep the medical advice had become even when "the science" would contradict itself.

It's no wonder that modern medicine cannot cure diseases. It simply manages symptoms w/ expensive and invasive treatments. Increasingly, after enforcing such medical torture, System based medicine is increasingly pushing euthanasia.

25 September 2022 at 21:07