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Anonymous ben said...


17 August 2021 at 10:10

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

thank you Bruce.

17 August 2021 at 15:08

Blogger Sean G. said...

I made a post about this very topic. The difficulty in blogging as you do is to translate direct knowing into words. The translation can end up a dilution or distortion. I was pondering myself whether there was good purpose in writing these things down, but it's clear that the process of translating direct knowing into words *can* be beneficial both for writer and reader, when done with proper motivation. The goodness of your efforts on this blog, by example, are obvious to me.

17 August 2021 at 15:10

Anonymous Jeffrey Cantrell said...

This post reminds me of what CS Lewis said when he related the story of the RAF aviator who claimed to have seen God in the Desert and therefore didn’t need all Lewis’s detailed information. What the aviator failed to realize is that while his experience may have been supernatural, it is like a person who views the ocean by looking upon a beach. While that is a very real experience, it lacks additional information (what I term richness of data) that is contained in a map. Moreover, if one wants to sail from London to New York, one needs more than just the information revealed by viewing the beach, one needs that map. Thank you for your wonderful and insightful posts.

17 August 2021 at 17:36

Blogger agraves said...

When a medium receives a communication of some type it is usually meant for his growth. Direct communication from a spiritual source is not to be doubted when it comes to him but it is in the trying to communicate its' importance to others that the distortion arises. I used to think being a medium meant some kind of "mission" to show the reality of the spirit world, now I accept the communications as meant to move me vertically not horizontally, as in giving information or details. Receiving communications results in a deep dive in consciousness which really cannot be shared.

19 August 2021 at 21:34

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ag - "Direct communication from a spiritual source is not to be doubted when it comes to him"

A further factor is that communications seem to come from a variety of spiritual sources, some/many of whom are not reliable. Apparently, there are 'low level' spirits, that are variable in motivation and knowledge, much like people. So discernment is needed for this kind of thing, just as in mundane experience.

20 August 2021 at 00:04