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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Thursday said...

Are you sure this is it? Modernity changes our psychology in it's phenotype. We have been shaped to be different than our ancestors. Isn't the mismatch between an ancient genotype and modern conditions?

25 January 2014 at 03:54

Anonymous Nicholas Fulford said...

The pill changed the game. It gave women reproductive choice in a way that they did not have previously.

To convince women to give up that freedom, to once again become focused on child rearing as their prime social role is not something that is liable to take hold in a Western society, (with the exception of a few isolated communities such as the Mennonite and Amish.)

The result as you have shown quite correctly is much lower rates of reproduction, and as you have also shown in other entries, the higher the intelligence of the woman, the fewer children she has on average.

Given this state of affairs, and given that few women want to give up the freedom that they have today with respect to reproductive choice: How do you propose to convince more women to stay at home and have larger families?

25 January 2014 at 04:45

Anonymous Don said...

I am wondering if it is just a way for people to live for themselves rather than follow God's plan.

Most modern people are told children and families are a burden. We stopped after two of our own due to health concerns. I wish we could have had more.


26 January 2014 at 05:59

Anonymous George said...

I waited longer than I should have to start.

Mainstream media is constantly full of anti-children and anti-family propaganda. It is hard for even us "independent thinkers" to not get sucked into the dominate weltanschung.

It is why a healthy conservative religious upbringing is absolutely necessary.

26 January 2014 at 20:03