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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Very interesting idea. Certainly the dreams recorded in Homer, the Bible, and other ancient works are much more intelligible than the kinds of dreams people have today, though it’s hard to know if that reflects a real historical change in the nature of dreams.

29 June 2021 at 10:38

Blogger David Earle said...

Dreams have always fascinated me. There was a period of time several years ago when I made a conscious choice to pay more attention to dreams. This involved keeping a dream journal which almost immediately helped me to recall more dreams in more clarity.

I also experienced several dozen lucid dreams during this time, many of which involved doing "reality checks" during waking consciousness throughout the day until finally you remember to do it in a dream and the test fails (looking at a clock but unable to read the numbers, looking at my hand but unable to count how many fingers I have). I experimented with several methods of inducing lucid dreams with varying success, but it is definitely possible and definitely very real.

This post has reminded me that it would be worth pursuing again, but this time in a Christian context.

29 June 2021 at 11:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - Whenever I write anything about sleep or dreaming I wonder how you will react! Steiner had all kinds of things to say about sleep - some of which I have found very suggestive (and most of which I ignore, as usual). There is a good little edited collection called Sleep and Dreams - but everything is available free on the Rudolf Steiner Archive, If you can find what you are looking for (needles, haystacks etc)...

30 June 2021 at 17:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@islanti - I sometimes have had spontaneous lucid dreams; which seem to occur in similar conditions to false awakening and sleep paralysis (i.e. a dissociation of the elements of sleep). Of itself, it is probably a physiological, rather than spiritual, phenomenon.

I have an increasing feeling that the meaning of dreams for modern Man is very different from what it was in more ancient times.

I think their meaning is almost never literal, nor symbolic - indeed nothing much to do with content; but operating at the level of our response in the dream. I think it may be (usually) this response evoked-by-the-dream that we are supposed to learn-from.

30 June 2021 at 17:56