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Blogger jana gatien said...

I recently spoke w a wise friend on this matter. On a large scale, Empire/the System is largely fueled by an emotional cocktail that they (I'd say black magicians) alchemically foment in the people: By constantly stoking fire (aggression) and water (sensuality), it creates a kind of steam, not dissimilar to how the industrial revolution was initially powered-- steam was primary. This massive emotional/energetic emission is food for demons. Empire/the System needs it like a car needs gasoline. Do they need one's consent to harvest this? I'd say they get consent every step of the way through the micro-choices we make in terms of what we give our attention to, what we think about things and how we consequently emote, thus producing a smog of etheric dissonance that demons are happy to clean up.

Are they vampiric/parasitic? Yes. They are entombed here. Their ongoing aim is to prolong this temporary learning venue (to keep on postponing their inevitable annihilation) via keeping man at a lower, immature state that can be burned as this fuel for their fake world. Plus they are envious & spiteful of man, so the more souls that join them in soul oblivion, the better.

28 July 2021 at 18:19

Anonymous Kristor said...

I do not doubt that the demons feed on our pain, so that it is in their interest to promote it, and in so doing to work our damage - our everlasting damage, if possible - for therein lies the greatest possible source of our pain and so of their food. They are all, like us, doomed to die. But that is not to say that they shall cease to suffer; to experience. It is to say only that after they die they shall have no way to end their suffering. After they die, they shall be able only to ameliorate it, at the margins. And this they shall do by feeding, forever, upon those of us who have fallen under their spell, and so are doomed to die forever (it is not possible for a rational spirit to die altogether and so wink out of existence; rational spirits are sempiternal by definition).

The demons need food, in order to avoid the pain of starvation (of their other pains, who can know?). We are their food.

How does this work?

Being is conserved. On this principle hang all the other conservation laws, that constitute our cosmos as such; as an orderly causal system. OK: defect of being in us must then go somewhere or other, right? It goes to the demons.

The whole demonic game is negative sum. It is a determined approach to nothingness. But inasmuch as being cannot effect absolute nonbeing, that approach cannot ever end, cannot complete. So, Hell goes on forever, asymptotically approaching perfect agony, perfect non-being.

28 December 2023 at 02:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Kristor - Some good points there!

I especially liked "Being is conserved" - which is a valid basis for much else.

28 December 2023 at 11:59