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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were a leftist that far into your adult life.

The strongest anti-leftists seem to be former leftists -- they know the inside facts, the hidden knowledge.

Suggested reading about kindred spirits:

Why I am no longer a brain-dead liberal -- an article by playwright David Mamet. available online with just a search. The man is a master of words. His non-fiction is delicious to read. If you find these two non-fiction books of his, used and cheap, they are worth picking up: The Wicked Son, and The Secret Knowledge.

An interesting history of leftism in America is: Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey, by David Horowitz. Horowitz was a quintessential "red diaper baby" born to American communists. Probably not worth ordering with international shipping, but if you see it for sale used at a decent price.

Another famous former socialist is Michael Savage, though I'm unsure of which of his books to recommend, he is a prolific author. Not a word-master like Mamet, and not as cerebral as Horowitz, but lots of gutsy common sense.


17 November 2019 at 13:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Books - I was a Leftist by the definition I gave in my post - and by that definition Mamet, Savage and Savage are all Leftists (being lapsed Jews - or liberal/ Reformed, non-observant Jews which is the same thing). Strings of divorces is another giveaway.

People that have turned against some aspects of political correctness (but usually remainining keen on some aspect of the sexual revolution) but who are Not primarily-religious have merely transitioned to a different type of Leftist.

17 November 2019 at 14:33

Anonymous Robert Wickiewicz said...

Good article,
I am a life-long liberal, usually voted Democratic, but I viewed inequality and its possible remedies in economic terms. I flipped and voted for Trump in 2016 because I am sick of the anti-white racism and anti-Christian bigotry on the left. I wonder if Trump represents a change or just a rear-guard action. I am not optimistic.

17 November 2019 at 15:39

Anonymous Sean Fowler said...

Leftism seems to have triggered an autoimmune response among our native populations. Mass immigration and tolerance of deviant destructive behavior, has, according to leftist doctrine, turned, what was earlier regarded as an oppressed group, the white heterosexual, native, working population or anyone who objects into oppressors. And as we know, according to Marxist/leftist /communist/PC doctrine, oppressors need to be irradication. So our natural immune response of protecting ourselves against invasive elements and guarding against perversion has been suppressed and made criminal.

Untempered virtues such as tolerance, inclusiveness, charity etc and the drive for equality along with the criminalization of discrimination, ie thinking, evaluating or differentiating have left us without the ability to defend ourselves against transgression. Furthermore, constant shaming and the promotion of white guilt, through the education system and MSM has made us turn our immune systems upon ourselves.

To what extent this was an organic process or a pathogen concocted in a lab is open to speculation. Personally I think pathogens seek a chink in the armor. The fall of Christianity compromised the immune system, movements such as environmentalism, feminism, workers rights were hijacked. Evil exploits virtue. The similarity between between PC and Bolshevik Soviet mind control leads me to believe that much was honed and perfected there and unleashed upon the west through their compatriots in the msm and educational facilities.

As for the cure?

17 November 2019 at 15:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@RW - So far as I can see nothing substantive has happened to stop, never mind reverse, the Leftward totalitarian trend. Not surprising given that voting/ democracy are part of Leftism.

@SF - There will only be a cure when people want one, and are prepared to sacrifice to have it. The sexual revolution or resentment/ entitlement trap most people within Leftism (and - presumably - self-chosen damnation).

Because the mass population is demotivated and psychotic in their incoherence of thinking; this would entail a large and powerful Christian revival, and this would have to come first.

17 November 2019 at 16:40

Anonymous Joseph A. said...

Your story gives me hope -- like Kristor's story, whose father is a good example of the religious Left. My own personal anecdote is my graduate school roommate's mother. She was the most pious, almost fanatical Roman Catholic that I had known to that time (and maybe since). When the family goes anywhere in the car, they pray the rosary together the entire way. She devotes most of her hours to religion and charity. A daughter became a nun, and we thought for some time that my friend would enter the priesthood (he ended up married with a clan of kids, but teaching philosophy at a seminary). Anyway, I was shocked -- deeply shocked -- to learn that this lay-Mother Angelica was a 60s bra-burning radical feminist and leftwing ideologue in her younger days. I don't know her Damascus Road story, but she is walking, praying evidence that those savages in the streets could be tomorrow's martyrs and heroes. May it happen, Lord!

19 November 2019 at 03:48