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Anonymous dearieme said...

There must be many atheists who feel that if everything eventually boils down to a struggle between the Christians and Them - the Establishment/Deep State/Swamp - they (the atheists) will back the god-botherers.

It's a bit like my feeling that the only national charity that I would trust with our money is the Sal Dals. Ironic, innit?

23 April 2019 at 18:40

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - Do you mean the Salvation Army? If so, I'm afraid that they too have gone over to the dark side, as you can see from the web pages:

23 April 2019 at 18:47

Anonymous dearieme said...

Oh dear. And then there were none.

23 April 2019 at 21:38

Blogger Dexter said...

One reason not to declare war on Christianity explicitly is the GLMC are energetically subverting it from within, in order to promote the GLMC agenda. They have already made great strides along these lines - so many Churches these days are merely catspaws for the Left and promote their solely worldly agenda.

24 April 2019 at 21:06

Blogger Chent said...

GLMC has learned from the previous totalitarian regimes, such as the Soviet Union. It has learned that coercion does not work. You have to seduce people instead of scaring them. Satan has always known that.

25 April 2019 at 04:20

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Chent - I think you are correct; although I don't think the demonic leadership always have known that - certainly they didn't seem to act upon it until the past 70 years or so.

I think They learned from the fact that the second world war triggered a strong and significant Christian revival (as described in The Screwtape Letters, for example) - and have therefore resisted the (to Them) temptation to engage the Western populations in another war.

The result is the gradual, unsensational strategy of 'seduction' - or perhaps 'grooming' would be more accurate - that you describe (as illustrated in Screwtape Proposes a Toast).

What we seem to be seeing now is that 'the gloves are coming off' because They believe that the Western Populations are now so deeply corrupted that They can shift from gradual seduction to overt acts of humiliation, degradation, inversion; by which a person comes to accept and embrace his own damnation, actively and proudly rejecting hope and love, explicitly pro-demonic.

Such people are increasingly mainstream and explicit - eg among Media celebrities.

25 April 2019 at 07:00