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Blogger Bedarz Iliaci said...

"But why do other religions offer so little and that little either grossly inadequate to human need or utterly irrelevant?"

What could be a basis for such a sweeping assertion?

Religion is a lived experience and that can not be fully judged from the outside.

14 August 2012 at 09:12

Anonymous Brian said...

Any thoughts on Rene Girard?

14 August 2012 at 09:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BI - "What could be a basis for such a sweeping assertion?"

Are you seeking to be a Christian? Have you read Pascal?

If I could summarize Pascal in a blog posting, there would be no need to read him.

@B - re: Rene Girard - I know nothing about him beyond a vague awareness of the name.

14 August 2012 at 09:59

Blogger Gyan said...

But how could Pascal know all what other religions offered or did not offer?

14 August 2012 at 12:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Gyan - I am saying that Pascal definitively settled this question for me.

Of open religions (to which one might realistically convert) there aren't really many - a diverse group of paganisms (+/- variable added elements of revelation), Christianity and Islam.

14 August 2012 at 15:20

Blogger Wurmbrand said...

It would be interesting to imagine a conversation between Pascal and Thoreau. I wonder if they could find much common ground. Thoreau was taken with the Eastern thought that was available to him and not impressed by the Christianity he had encountered in 19th-century new England. Pascal probably knew a little about Eastern thought, but it would not have been a live alternative, I suppose, in his time and place.

All persons, of any time and any place, who attain eternal life do so on account of the person and work of Christ, but it is only by the work of the Holy Spirit through the word of the Gospel that this truth becomes convincing to anyone. It seems that for some adherents of Eastern ways, it is hard indeed to realize this.

14 August 2012 at 15:40

Blogger A. M. said...


14 August 2012 at 15:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

FHL SAID: "Chesterton once said that of all the religions in the world, the only two that could compete for being valid were Christianity and Hinduism. I feel like I agree, but I'm not sure why I feel Hinduism has a valid claim (I don't think it is a valid religion, but I think, at first glance, there is something about it that stands out to where I can understand how someone would think it was). I think it comes its ancientness, that when compared to the vapid new-age ideas of today, it seems very old and archaic, and thus more real. Also, from legitimate claims of miracles, some of which seem too real to be denied.

"But it does not have a happy ending. Its answers can only lead to despair, which why the highest ideal is pure detachment from everything. And indeed, Hindus don't try to convert anyone. I'm not even sure they believe conversions to Hinduism are possible.

"Of Pascal's wager, I'm very glad I ran into your blog before I read it a couple of years ago, otherwise I may have just passed over it quickly, not taking in the deeper message. It's odd how often "Pascal's Wager" is brought up, by both Christians and atheists, and completely misunderstood. Atheists "refuting" Pascal, attempting to show how he forgets about other religions, drawing punnett squares and flow charts and whatnot, humph! What nonsense! None of them have read it, this I know."

(FHL - your comment was scrambled, this is the unscambled version).

14 August 2012 at 16:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dale - Thoreau was not seeking, but had made the fatal move to seek salvation within himself and his own will.

He was trying to make his pride, his autonomy, invincible to whatever the world could throw at it.

Or, perhaps, he was seeking to remain a seeker - which amounts to the same thing.

So, I think Thoreau would be unmoved by Pascal.

14 August 2012 at 16:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

wrt: Pascal and 'comparative religion'.

Pascal's arguments can be taken up and applied to any religion/ mythology you happen to encounter, but that he did not know-of.

Ask about the 'ending' - where does it all lead to? - and is this 'good news'?.

14 August 2012 at 16:55

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

As a 'thought experiment, suppose for a moment that 'all religions are true' for their own adherents.

In such a scenario demons (hostile to humans) would certainly want to channel as many souls as possible *away* from Christianity, and into other religions which offered so much less (infinitely less).

14 August 2012 at 16:57

Anonymous FHL said...

"Pascal's arguments can be taken up and applied to any religion/ mythology you happen to encounter, but that he did not know-of."

So true! So true times a million!

I've seen a video where a Christian girl asks Richard Dawkins "what if you're wrong about Christianity?" to which Dawkins replies "What if you're wrong about lord Jubu-Jubu of the mountain?"

I have a feeling Pascal might have replied to Dawkins: "Well... what if you're wrong about Jubu-Jubu?"

The reason Pascal is so upset is because people aren't even taking the religious questions seriously! People playing card games the day before their execution...

14 August 2012 at 17:04

Anonymous FHL said...

"As a 'thought experiment, suppose for a moment that 'all religions are true' for their own adherents."

From St. John of Damascus:

"For you say that you have three rivers flowing in paradise—one of water, one of wine, and one of milk. If your forerunner the camel is outside of paradise, it is obvious that she has dried up from hunger and thirst, or that others have the benefit of her milk—and so your prophet is boasting idly of having conversed with God, because God did not reveal to him the mystery of the camel. But if she is in paradise, she is drinking water still, and you for lack of water will dry up in the midst of the paradise of delight. And if, there being no water, because the camel will have drunk it all up, you thirst for wine from the river of wine that is flowing by, you will become intoxicated from drinking pure wine and collapse under the influence of the strong drink and fall asleep. Then, suffering from a heavy head after sleeping and being sick from the wine, you will miss the pleasures of paradise. How, then, did it not enter into the mind of your prophet that this might happen to you in the paradise of delight? He never had any idea of what the camel is leading to now, yet you did not even ask him, when he held forth to you with his dreams on the subject of the three rivers. We plainly assure you that this wonderful camel of yours has preceded you into the souls of asses, where you, too, like beasts are destined to go. And there is the exterior darkness and everlasting punishment, roaring fire, sleepless worms, and hellish demons."

14 August 2012 at 17:27

Anonymous Sylvie D. Rousseau said...

"And that this truth becomes obvious to those all who seek it, but remains hidden from those who do not seek it; and that it was necessary that this be so..."

I have quotes and explanations in mind for the first two propositions, but could you please expand a little or give a quote or reference for the necessity of the hiding of truth from those who do not seek it. Is it related to personal responsibility in responding to the truth?

15 August 2012 at 02:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@SDR - I'm saying that Pascal made this clear to me; but that does not mean I can explain it to you!

The simplified answer has to do with free will. I saw from Pascal that Man is intrinsically a creature with free will. That is the kind of creature we are.

The reality of God must, therefore, be clear to those who seek God, but hidden from those who do not seek Him - otherwise God could not be chosen.

15 August 2012 at 06:09

Anonymous Simon said...

Pascal's only, and, possibly, most fatal mistake was to fail to anticipate that we may stoop as low as to completely deny the existence of God.

Can hardly blame him for that...

15 August 2012 at 11:39

Anonymous FHL said...


"Pascal's only, and, possibly, most fatal mistake was to fail to anticipate that we may stoop as low as to completely deny the existence of God."

How is that? I think Pascal was mainly addressing skeptics and unbelievers in his book.

It seems to me that Pascal's arguments work whether or not you believe in God, because they treat all viewpoints relating to religion and eternity as consequential, including the atheist/skeptical view. You cannot rightfully say, when dealing with Pascal, that "oh, it's not that I can't decide on which religion, it's that I can't decide whether or not there's a god." He'd just take the atheist view in the same manner as he would a Hindu view- it's still a religious decision either way. You can't remain neutral.

15 August 2012 at 16:47

Anonymous FHL said...


This may not convince you either (if you even needed convincing, or just clarification). You should certainly read the Pensees if you have not already, but to add a bit to Dr. Charlton's note, Pascal does mention why it is that those who do not seek God should not find Him (with those who seek God necessarily finding Him taken for granted, as according to scriptures):

280. The knowledge of God is very far from the love of Him.

288. Instead of complaining that God had hidden Himself, you will give Him thanks for not having revealed so much of Himself; and you will also give Him thanks for not having revealed Himself to haughty sages, unworthy to know so holy a God.

289. Jesus Christ came to blind those who saw clearly, and to give sight to the blind; to heal the sick, and leave the healthy to die; to call to repentance, and to justify sinners, and to leave the righteous in their sins; to fill the needy, and leave the rich empty.

So it seems that Pascal believes (as do I) that the main purpose of believing in God is to love Him; it does not matter if you know who God is, even the demons know who God is. But it certainly does matter that you love Him, and so, why would He choose to reveal Himself to anyone who did not seek Him with his whole heart? What good would it do? (a cheesy example... but God is like a superhero who saves you when you are in trouble, but does not hang around for the photo-op, so only you know what He did, and your relationship with Him may be special and with depth that is not found in public relationships.)

270. (Quoted from St. Augustine?) Reason would never submit, if it did not judge that there are some occasions on which it ought to submit. It is then right for it to submit, when it judges that it ought to submit.

This also shows that people wouldn't even believe in God even had they witnessed Him... and they did! Two-thousand years ago! And many still did not believe. Only those who are looking for something find the thing they look for. You cannot employ an echo-cardiogram to diagnose a love-sick broken heart.

15 August 2012 at 17:19