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Blogger Tina said...

I'm glad to see your recommendation of one of my all-time favorite book series. I suppose I fire read The Crystal Cave in high school... now in retirement, this series shill holds a place on my bookshelves. It is due to land on the nightstand for a re-read soon!

There is a fourth book "The Wicked Day", published years later, for those who want to see the story through until the bitter end. The Trilogy is complete without it, though.

29 September 2022 at 13:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@T - Glad to get your endorsement!

I haven't yet read the further Arthurian volumes after the Trilogy - partly because it is Merlin in whom I am most interested, partly because I thought there was a falling off of quality in the third volume.

But I think this time I may try the later volumes.

I am rather intrigued by her Mordred book in which M was not a baddie (Mordred was apparently not a baddie in some of the earlier sources).

29 September 2022 at 16:19

Blogger Tina said...

Yes, it was Merlin that spoke to me, too. Solomon's request for wisdom (1 Kings 3:9) always stuck with me from childhood on. So it was Mr Spock, Merlin, and the prophets who I wanted as role models.

Merlin's early challenges: being gifted and different, noble but fatherless, rejected and bullied, mean the books have a lot to offer young people today, as well as adult readers.

Mary Stewart's Merlin was also a powerful model for celibacy, which may not be found in modern fiction (I don't read it any more so may be wrong). I seem to recall some other writers kept their wizards free of entanglements, perhaps following her lead. This - especially the Crystal Cave and the Hollow Hills - might be helpful to adolescent readers today who are sick of having sex thrown at them in school and libraries, and who want to develop their own internal resources without following the crowd.

29 September 2022 at 17:13