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Anonymous Sylvie D. Rousseau said...

“…infrequent and irregular Catacomb meetings on the Catholic side (with Romans especially suffering infrequent and irregular Mass)…”

This has been looking more and more like that for a generation, particularly in the country, where distances are large. In cities, if one is able to travel a bit, there is still a Mass at a convenient moment for everyone at 15 to 30 minutes by car or subway. I am lucky to have that still at the cathedral or sanctuaries kept by communities where all young priests are from Africa or India. Parish churches are becoming more and more sparse every year though.

As you answered me in the other thread (The three existential problems of life: alienation, meaninglessness and purposelessness), the essential parts of Christian practice are: “…awareness of the world as described in scripture and a lively relationship with Christ (which can have as its focus different activities - e.g. the Eucharistic presence on one hand, or the reading of and meditation on scripture on the other - and prayer ought to be the focus as an ideal aim: frequent/near continuous prayer as a form of communion.” I think that nothing is hopeless as long as we still have that. I find the internet is useful for reading and meditation and keeping a relation to devout Christians in many places.

Thanks for your answer and your thoughtful posts.

17 November 2012 at 16:33

Blogger Wurmbrand said...

Maybe it would be good to read some Richard Baxter (1615-1691), who is credited with originating the term "mere Christianity." There is a one-volume "Autobiography" edited by N. H. Keeble (1925) in Everyman Classics; I have a paperback reprint.

Baxter wrote: "But must you know what Sect or Party I am of? I am against all Sects and dividing Parties: But if any will call Meer Christians by the name of a Party, because they take up with meer Christianity, Creed, and Scripture, and will not be of any dividing or contentious Sect, I am of that Party which is so against Parties: If the name CHRISTIAN be not enough, call me a CATHOLICK CHRISTIAN; not as that word signifieth an hereticating majority of Bishops, but as it signifieth one that hath no religion, but that which by Christ and the Apostles was left to the Catholic Church, or the Body of Jesus Christ on Earth."

17 November 2012 at 20:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dale - JI Packer also often recommends Baxter - I will give him a try sometime.

17 November 2012 at 21:07

Anonymous AlexT said...

Have been moving towards an old calendarist Orthodox church myself these last few months. Still trying to discern the correctness of my feelings on this. However, i think that any serious christian has to ask himself this question soon. This is quickly going from a theoretical discussion to reality.

18 November 2012 at 21:34