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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Good post. It really gets to the heart of the matter.

24 October 2019 at 19:52

Anonymous Faculty X said...

I don't think it's loss of religion.

I grew up without religion and always opposed the disruption and decline in quality of life from massive immigration.

I also hated the culture that attacked defending what was a better quality of life as 'racist'. That's always been a trick of developers and government to get more taxpayers and drive up real estate prices.

It's a trick that an entire generation - the Boomers - participate in as their fake religion to feel smug about when they and the generation before them never grew up with the reality of massive immigration. That's demonic.

If there's a reason I want the West to die it's because it displaces its citizens and culture for money. The systems are empty but they have always been empty and soulless.

The West as it is today deserves to die because it does not protect its own.

In today's world I see the religious and they have become apostasy and destruction:

The Mormons support massive immigration and anti-racism propaganda; Catholics flood Europe with fake refugees who really want yet more money; and entire arrays of churches think flying rainbow flags and having women ministers is trendily spiritual and thus ignore the Bible.

If there were more religion of the sort that exists today things would get worse even faster.

24 October 2019 at 22:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

All institutions including churches are converged by leftist corruption, to some significant degree. We must distinguish the religion from the institution. And then we can see the opposition at the metaphysical level of what is assumed to be ultimate reality and the primary goals of life.

25 October 2019 at 06:37

Anonymous Faculty X said...

That makes sense. An intuitive sense of Christianity and the side it's on metaphysically is what's important.

25 October 2019 at 17:10

Anonymous Y? said...

The west, by necessity, must crumble and die. It is corrupt, vile, and obsolete. Anything is better than what is now in place.
Let. It. Burn.

27 October 2019 at 12:08

Blogger Vlad Z. said...

We were Christian as a culture in our great rise, but Christianity has also been a vector of our dissolution for centuries. To take a simple example: the rule of Kings under God was suoplanted by the rule of merchants. Cathedrals gave way to unadorned boxes and every man his b own priest with the Advent of the Reformation.

If we want to make the West great again perhaps we need to go all the way back to the Religion of the ancient Romans

27 October 2019 at 16:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Y. Things can and will get worse than now, if they don't get better.

Z. It's been tried and failed. But history is !inear,not cyclical. We go on to a new future, we can't go back.

27 October 2019 at 16:28