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Blogger knifecatcher said...

Are people familiar with Eric Vogelin?

In 1968, the political philosopher Eric Voegelin published a little book called Science, Politics and Gnosticism. In a section of that book entitled “Ersatz Religion,” he argued that modern ideologies are very much like ancient Gnostic movements. Certain fundamental assumptions, Voegelin wrote, characterize both ancient and modern Gnosticism.

The gnostic, Voegelin observed, is fundamentally dissatisfied with his situation and believes that the world is “intrinsically poorly organized” and that salvation from the world’s evils is possible. The gnostic further thinks that “the order of being will have to be changed in an historical process” and that this is possible through human effort. Finally, the gnostic looks for a prophet who shares saving knowledge about how to make the transformation happen. It turns out that the intersectional project accords in every detail with Voegelin’s description.

I would put the modern source of this elitist scientism back to the Enlightenment. There is a dark side of the Enlightenment and its social engineering progeny that many libertarians (particularly those enamored by Ayn Rand’s militant atheism) do not acknowledge. They continue to blindly hold to the secular mythology that the Enlightenment was entirely about bringing truth, reason, tolerance, and light to the miserable masses held in bondage and superstitious oppression by Throne and Altar.

21 July 2017 at 14:28

Blogger dbk_999 said...

I would say that Voegelin's thought is often reduced into a series of cliches about 'gnosticism' and such . The insights behind the cliches are not false, overall, but not unique to Voegelin, and by now well known common currency among spiritually-oriented thinkers of a rightward bent.

But Voegelin wrote explicitly on the need of Albion's people for Metaphysics !

I was waiting to post this link on Albion Awakening when the time seemed right, but this is a link to a piece of Voegelin's writing on the spiritual disaster of early 18th Century England. (The 2 introductory
sections are somewhat dull.. start with 'A Stagnant Population'..
.. and especially the 'Loss of the concrete, 'Materialization of the external world', and 'psychologization of self' sections if you are in a hurry! ) It shows Voegelin at his penetrating best.

22 July 2017 at 22:05