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Blogger Phil said...

There were many god-men legends in the years before Christ, so by the late 1800s there was a widespread notion that Jesus was just another legend. But we know that He fulfilled very many Old Testament prophecies. He said of the scriptures, "They testify of me." (Jn 5:39) One cataloger counted 55 prophecies fulfilled on the day of His passion. It's astoundingly complicated, but God has no problem w/ that.
I then realized that the answer for all the "pagan Christs" was that God did not leave Himself w/o a witness, and so while He was at it, Jesus fulfilled all of theirs, too.

Missionaries to unreached peoples have found "redemptive analogies" in the legends & customs of these people. A good book on the subject is, "Eternity in their hearts" by Don Richardson.

15 July 2023 at 19:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Phil - My point is, however, not dependent on that kind of argument.

15 July 2023 at 22:17

Anonymous mr. smarty didn't come on the party said...

Logical unity of reality excludes possibility of many - godness, as reality must be a one thing at the most fundamental level.

17 July 2023 at 08:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@smarty - "must be"?

No, not necessarily. Only if your metaphysical assumptions dictate it. If, like me, your ultimate assumptions are pluralistic; then 'logic' leads to different conclusions.

17 July 2023 at 11:21

Anonymous Luka Marković said...

Insofar as symbol/arcanum is the ferment of the spirit, it is necessary to approach it separately from the dogma and the metaphysics. Whatever the dogma related to, for instance, Immaculate Conception, sanctions, it cannot interfere with the authentic experience generated through correspondence with the symbols. In fact, living symbols is the only thing 'soul's eye' ever sees. Christian dogma does not necessarily maintain the same symbolical hierarchy as some other creeds, nonetheless, that which is free, authentic and eternal cannot be an 'influence', much less an alien one, but the very root of religion, and as such is always accessible to a Christian within the scope of his faith's mysteries, should he choose to contemplate them deeply.

'The seven sacraments of the Church are the prismatic colours of the white light of one sole Mystery or Sacrament, known as that of the Second Birth, which the Master pointed out to Nicodemus in the nocturnal initiation conversation which He had with him'

Speaking of Christs' death and resurrection. From the purely logical point of view, the possibility of physical death is essential to the idea of God's omnipotence. A being that has every power in the world except the power of physical death is not in fact omnipotent. God is omnipotent through his incarnation and death. Now man must take the opposite way, and following God's plan, having lived a mortal fate, ascend to immortality.

24 July 2023 at 14:11