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Anonymous Adam G. said...

I think the concept of "true luck" is valuable.

24 June 2015 at 14:42

Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Furthermore, everything is - to widely varying extents - conscious and in communication with everything else

I'd say that everything I'm conscious of is in communication with everything else that I'm conscious of *within my own mind*. The action of this is to bring all entities and ideas into harmony (I'm guessing Bruce would say 'divinisation'). The appeal of panpsychism comes from the assumption that the contents of one's mind are piped in live from 'out there', instead of being an imperfect model which corresponds pretty well in everyday cases. Popper recognised this at the scientific level by noting that all observation is indirect. Of course, if things like clairvoyance and ESP *were* possible then people would be busy making killings on the stock market, rescuing dying relatives, etc.

-- Tom

24 June 2015 at 17:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tom - Well, some people are! but that isn't entailed in the way you suggest. The imperfections and distortions of adult human-adult human communication are very great - even speaking the same language - and these increase with dissimilarity. Try remembering, then communicating a dream - even that is very difficult indeed.

24 June 2015 at 18:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tom - By the way, it is an error to try and refute the perspective of everything being alive by using evidence. It is a metaphysical perspective which frames (several steps lower down) what we think of as evidence. Any evidence can be interpreted as consistent with any metaphysical framework - the only difference is that the links may be long and complex.

24 June 2015 at 18:47

Anonymous Heaviside said...

>Try remembering, then communicating a dream - even that is very difficult indeed.

It can be done often enough for writing them down to be a chore if someone banging around downstairs keeps waking you up earlier than you like! Communicating it might still be considered difficult if all the minute details you write down have no apparent meaning.

>Of course, if things like clairvoyance and ESP *were* possible then people would be busy making killings on the stock market, rescuing dying relatives, etc.

There are accounts of people using "remote viewing" to make money on commodities exchanges, but even if they are to be believed it is still pretty tricky.

24 June 2015 at 22:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Well, some people are! but that isn't entailed in the way you suggest.


I'm not sure whether you've quite grasped my position (for what my position is worth).

Everyone experiences *only* his own model of reality. Literally everything within that experience is 'in here' rather than 'out there', although much of what he perceives consists of *tokens* (e.g. his experience/token of a table) which refer validly to entities 'out there' (the actual table, which strictly speaking he can't see).

Some people do live in narrower model of reality than others both for biological reasons (e.g. dementia) and because of unconscious chaotic forces which constrain growth via guilt and fear ('sin').

Everyone, to the extent that he is conscious, has 'communication' going on within his mind. When ideas are updated this affects the way that other things or even all other things are perceived.

He mistakenly concludes from this that real entities and people 'out there' are in magical communion. There's a mystical impression that somehow 'all is one'. In fact such communication as gives rise to this intuition is internal, within his model.

>The imperfections and distortions of adult human-adult human communication are very great - even speaking the same language - and these increase with dissimilarity

Oh I agree. But this would again be to conflate the internal 'communication' I've talked about with normal, external communication between bodies.

For example, and putting them both in sequence: I have a token in my mind which represents you. When I am conversing with you via text, this token participates in an internal communicative process which may result in an attempt at normal external communication in the form of my pressing certain keys on my keyboard. As you read the text and try to guess what I mean your brain updates your token of me, which may in turn update other parts of your mind, perhaps many if I've persuaded you about something important.

-- Tom

25 June 2015 at 19:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tom - What you are describing to me is your metaphysical assumptions - these are not inferences from your experience.

I used to share these assumptions of yours

(see Appendix)

But I now have very different assumptions regarding the fundamental nature of reality.

25 June 2015 at 19:36