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Anonymous Gary Bleasdale said...

Thoughts are also forces in a sense beyond their being a prelude to action (and by determining action, determining consequences of those actions). I believe this insight has been touched upon in this blog quite a few times in the past.

Divinely aligned thinking has an effect on the world (on the Beings of Creation) which goes beyond visible chains of causality.

this is not to be confused with Wishful Thinking, because the type of thought which is capable of direct effect on Creation (i.e. without the "intermediary" of bodily action) is of a specific and mostly rare type.

However, this type of thinking is being done by all of us to some degree or another at all times (it seems, in most cases, dimly and sputteringly and weakly), and uses our more "rationalistic" thinking as a "check" (verifier), so it behooves us to be very careful of what we allow ourselves to believe is true.

This is because our "rationalistic" thinking can override the other type of thinking to a large extent, and disfigure its proper expression (we can choose to believe rationalistic thinking even when it goes against original thinking, and thus negate the original thinking and its direct effect).

28 November 2020 at 11:54