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Blogger Ron Tomlinson said...

The way I see it thinking consists of having ideas and then thinking through their implications. The first part is divine and out of our direct control. It consists more in listening and watching internally than trying to do anything. The communication is 'ostensive'. Certain things we perceive or imagine are emphasized beyond the usual amount as when a mother uses a sing-song voice to teach her child, or points at something and speaks its name. We have to guess what it means and this is how the idea is born. I suppose sometimes the communication comes explicitly in words (otherwise how could the Old Testament prophets have said what they said) but even there the words will ring, reverberate and stand out from the rest of the inner monologue.

When people are on autopilot are being driven by external inputs they do get a limited sense of goodness and badness of, say, different movies but they lack the ability to create anything significant and new. The same with knobs on if they get drunk or drink too much coffee in which case their thoughts do indeed become free-spinning cogs or a car revving its wheels in the mud!

One of the valuable lessons of this blog is the warning about external inputs and the desire of most people to be overwhelmed, to be inebriated, swept off their feet by some person or new activity. Perhaps even the desire to serve something 'bigger than themselves'.

14 May 2024 at 13:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ron "The first part is divine and out of our direct control"

I agree, and would add that I believe "the divine" may come from our divine-selves, as well as from the Holy Ghost. This ultimate guidance is something deeper than "will power". It may emerge into consciousness, but is not from the conscious part of our minds.

But whether we hear, listen - and take note, and follow that lead - this is our choice, our conscious will power. And depends on our ultimate assumptions.

14 May 2024 at 14:34