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Blogger Gagdad Bob said...

Concealed in this post is the esoteric meaning of predestination: that we are only truly free to the extent that we choose what we are and what is. Only a free being can comprehend predestination, and man is uniquely predestined to be free to realize the destiny that precedes him.

11 August 2016 at 20:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GB - I don't agree that there is 'predestination' in terms of salvation versus (self-) damnation - this 'destiny' refers to life-path, the (necessary, most-useful) experiences of mortal life which may contribute to spiritual progression.

11 August 2016 at 20:46

Blogger Gagdad Bob said...

I'm with you. It's just that the whole relationship between freedom and necessity is fraught with paradox.

11 August 2016 at 21:15

Anonymous George said...

This is the essence of Taoism. I was reading Tolstoy yesterday and came across a passage where he says the only freedom we have us to go with the truth, or fight it but be dragged along by it anyways ( by which I suppose he means by fighting truth you don't cancel it, you r experience is still determined by it, but negatively)

12 August 2016 at 05:33

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@George - The trouble with Taoism is - at *root* - it either seems to imply that human, incarnate mortal life is nothing more than a mistake; or else it is (in the modern Western understanding) merely a kind of higher hedonism - lifestyle advice on how to be happy and avoid suffering.

12 August 2016 at 07:06

Anonymous George said...

Bruce, that is definitely how Taoism is seen in the West, as at best a "technique" for a successful life. And it is indeed inherently prone to such abuses - Samurai also saw it that way. But at its core I think Taoism is quite close to Christianity but I agree with you it is insufficient. I am sure you know Eugene Rose was quite a fan, and his biographer wrote a book tracing the affinities with Christianity.

12 August 2016 at 14:54