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Anonymous David Stanley said...

Slow down Bruce, I've only just started Mr Norrell! Actually it is pretty good so far but the size is some what daunting.

14 November 2015 at 11:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - If I slow down my novel reading any further, then I will grind to a halt! But don't rush Strange and Norrell...

14 November 2015 at 11:17

Anonymous David said...

I had encountered Brandon Sanderson a while ago when browsing the web for information about promising new authors in my favourite genres. The link above is for a regular podcast on creative writing by Brandon and his peers. I have listened to the first few and found it amusing/insightful about the creative writing process. With small 15 minute instalments on a specific topic they are very accessible.

16 November 2015 at 10:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - I have known about Sanderson for a few years, but I don't read much fiction - I only tried the Rithmatist after it was recommended both by my wife and my son.

I have dipped into a couple of other novels by the same author, and found them to be at a somewhat lower level - a bit formulaic.

A professional author has to make a living, and cannot usually be too picky about what s/he publishes, and some are lighter and more 'genre' in nature.

I get the impression Sanderson realizes that the Rithmatist is one of his best, because he has delayed working on/ publishing the second part; he says he first wants to do more research.

16 November 2015 at 10:45