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Anonymous JP said...

The Left has dismissed Evil as a theological concept (arising from the Devil and Original Sin).

The Left defines Evil in terms of intentions rather than outcomes. Thus they are able to escape condemning the vast evils that Leftist schemes have produced.

The Left reserves moral outrage for those who oppose Leftist schemes. Such people can only be evil, as what person of good intentions could possibly oppose them. "Racism" is the new version of Original Sin -- no white person is devoid of this blood guilt -- but other sins include offenses against the environment, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

29 June 2011 at 11:39

Anonymous Alex said...

The liberal mind refuses to acknowledge the fact that some people are evil because they enjoy acting in malevolent ways or they will yield to wicked impulses when it's expedient to do so.

A favourite liberal explanation of evil is that it results from some kind of mental illness or perhaps temporary derangement.

Thus, wicked people must be 'sick in the head' or 'insane'. They are suffering from a mental disorder and so are not morally responsible for what they do etc. (If Hitler was a criminal lunatic - i.e. 'mad', was he a culpable moral agent?)

This approach resolves the problem of evil without the need for metaphysical inquiry.

29 June 2011 at 15:23

Anonymous dearieme said...

How do you react to the writings of Kirk, as summarised by Briggs?

29 June 2011 at 21:07

Anonymous Daniel said...

"And since we all live in a Leftist society so pervasive that we are all tainted by Leftism to a greater or lesser degree - we can only glimpse the truth at moments before relapsing into delusional dreams."

May I ask you, Mr. Charlton, as a believing Christian, do you find that this is less true for you than it was before you had faith? I am not trying to tempt you to spiritual pride. My question is, rather, is there truly no way to escape from the Leftist morass, not even for a Christian? (I speak of the mundane situation here on Earth not, of course, of the fate of one's eternal soul about which, presumably, a Christian would answer emphatically that indeed, Christianity is the way.) Or is Christ a pole star for the Christian even when the situation is as dire as you describe it here?

I know that faith brings nothing like complete understanding or always-clear vision — we are still weak and sinful humans — but does it at least help?

30 June 2011 at 03:00

Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

I like the definition of evil as willful error.

This means that it is a deliberate choice, and that it is clear that the evil acts are not wholly right, but they're "right enough" in that short-term gain can be had at the expense of long-term beauty or excellence.

Many bad things arise from pure stupidity, hence error; to some degree, the stupid is evil, and that offends the liberal mindset (because stupid people don't "mean to" be stupid of course, so it's not egalitarian to attack them for it).

The liberal mind also relishes social chaos and so sees evil as useful, as long as it's not a personal loss. Then they cry to high heaven. But most of them seem to live in nice comfortable safe areas, or comfortable oblivion, anyway.

30 June 2011 at 03:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Daniel - it certainly helps.

30 June 2011 at 07:53

Anonymous JP said...

"I like the definition of evil as willful error."

The problem with that definition is that it allows people to weasel out through the "good intentions" loophole. In my view, when Leftists pursue courses of action that have proven catastrophic in the past, then they are evil regardless of their supposed "good intentions".

30 June 2011 at 10:59