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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Well said! This is always important, but in the here and now it has become vital, in the true sense of the word. The media and public noise will continue to intensify in the coming weeks and months. I am convinced most of it purposefully aims at drowning out or confusing our communication with the Divine. We must be vigilant and keep our radios tuned to the right frequencies, so to speak.

This post is timely for me. I have been thinking about this a great deal over the past two weeks, and I arrived at the following conclusions (for myself, personally), which were inspired by intuition and confirmed by the synchronicity of some song lyrics I happened to to hear:

1. Get life day-to-day.
2. Proceed on a need to know.

22 March 2020 at 17:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@FB - Me too. That 'need to know maxim' seems especially relevant; especially when combined wth a confidence that we will be enabled to know, when needed! (So long as our attitude and 'tuning' is right.)

22 March 2020 at 17:36

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

I agree with both of you guys above. In fact, most "information" now is actively harmful, and one is better off not "knowing" it at all. Turn it off. Only that which we can experience and personally verify should be taken to be possibly true.

Good luck to everyone here, and God bless you.

23 March 2020 at 00:38

Blogger Jared said...

I am a person who has never had too much confidence in institutions or in academia. I thought your analysis of modern institutions was right on.
I think life is a balance. We can learn from injustice. We can still learn what are the consequences of our actions.

23 March 2020 at 01:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Sean Fowler comment:

@ Francis. ” I am convinced most of it purposefully aims at drowning out or confusing our communication with the Divine. “
That’s exactly the purpose I agree. Keeping us confused and “ addicted to distraction. “ Preventing the will from ever achieving silence”.

I’m going to commit the heresy of of pasting in a large text by another author, which I understand our host has something of an aversion to, but it’s worth just for the expression “ emotional enema” if nothing else. I won’t be in the least bit offended if you decide not to approve it Bruce. It’s from Huxley’s perennial philosophy. Theres tons to disagree with in that book, but I feel he hit the nail on the head here. It was penned I think in 1946 and when you compare the relative quiet of that time compared with the sheer volume of “ noise” that we are subjected with in the present age it becomes even more relevant.

Quote begins..."The twentieth century is, among other things, the Age of Noise." [Note from BGC - But the rest of the quote has gone haywire in formatting, with many words runtogetherwithoutspaces...]

31 March 2020 at 16:36