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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’ve never read anything by PKD. Should I start with Exegesis or with the novels?

27 December 2019 at 15:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I don't like to recommend books - because I have idiosyncratic tastes. The idea is that I enthuse about something, and it is up to thereader to infer whether he would like it, judging from the kind of person I am and the kind of things I say about the book.

If you have a Kindle, you could read a sample of 2011 Exegesis (free) to see whether you like it. There is also a generous selection from 1991 online free at .

As for the novels - I'm not sure of your taste in scifi, or what 'issues' of PKD's would most interest you... If you read the blurb for the ones I mention above, you could get an idea of their basic plot-set-up, to find which one appeals the most - and start with that.

27 December 2019 at 15:40

Anonymous dang said...

The first time PKD popped up on my radar I went to the Project Gutenberg website, which had a few of his short stories you could start with. I didn't read all of them that were available...but I do remember enjoying Mr. Spaceship and Beyond Lies the Wub.

27 December 2019 at 18:50