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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger The Crow said...

Theory and living are different things. Living is being alive. Theory is a projection about how you might do it. So is religion.

So, to me, religion is about how to do it, rather than doing it.
It has its place, before the deed is done, the mystery unseen. But once the smile lights up the seeker's face, what use, then, for theory?

28 December 2013 at 14:55

Anonymous Wonder said...

Why specifically for Christianity though?

To be a Christian you believe in the existence of God, yet that can mean Judaism most obviously, or Islam.

Also I question whether becoming Christian has much to to do with truth claims. That's a very rare approach, very academic.

For most it seems to be an emotional response, sometimes based on some kind of inner experience, ideally but sadly infrequently a revelation. More commonly it's just a social group that feels good.

I have to take the bait and say the reason claiming Christianity is true strikes modern people as absurd is because it seems absurd: contrary to logic, making strange and unsupported claims, unsupported by historical research.

Your blog is interesting because you tackle such matters as pluralism versus monism, the very extremely serious problem of suffering in relation to God's power and intentions, and God's limitations in the War on Heaven.

Your views are not the norm, however, so why think that people should believe any standard representation of Christianity as being true??

29 December 2013 at 00:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@W - "Your views are not the norm"

Oh, for heavens sake! This blog is for those people that it might help. There are a few. That is who I write for. Not 'the norm'!

29 December 2013 at 05:28

Anonymous Wonder said...

Oh, Bruce got irritable! Thanks for the warning about that in your earlier post.

I know you don't write for the norm. That is obvious.

You don't appear to be asking why modern people see Bruce Charlton's view of Christianity being true is absurd though.

You're asking more generally, in regards to Christianity in general, but you know the answer already, so I think it is natural to be puzzled by your assertions.

I can follow and even agree with your distinctions about God's limitations, suffering, and so on, yet that does not equal becoming a Christian. So far.

I'd still be interested in knowing why Christianity specifically. Why not Judaism, for example? If the issue is the existence of God and following Him...

29 December 2013 at 22:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@W - "...why modern people see Bruce Charlton's view of Christianity being true is absurd though. "

That's easy to answer - because they don't understand science.

"why Christianity specifically. Why not Judaism, for example?"

If you are a Jew, start practising. If not the choice is essentially Christianity or its major rival.

But there is no limit to the questions and objections that can be raised. The evidence allows for a decision either way: it depends if you want to be a Christian.

29 December 2013 at 22:28

Anonymous George said...

Thank you for sharing the video! A fantastic Sunday watch, I appreciate it very much.

30 December 2013 at 01:15