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20 December 2011 at 15:23

Anonymous dearieme said...

I'm impressed that you forbear to explain the meaning of the surname Gilchrist and hence McGilchrist.

20 December 2011 at 15:25

Anonymous darrenk said...

The subtitle recalls Julian Jayne's "bicameral mind" book. I wonder if there is any influence or relation?

20 December 2011 at 16:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

wrt @dearieme

Gilchrist is Gaelic for Christ's Servant - Mc means Son-of..

This hadn't crossed my mind, since I used to live in Scotland, for me Mc/Gilchrist was 'just another surname'...

20 December 2011 at 16:23

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20 December 2011 at 16:24

Anonymous PatrickH said...

I have ordered TMahE on the strength of the recommendation here. I wonder how much emphasis McGilchrist places on the dominant emotion of the left hemisphere, which I believe to be anxiety. He mentions in his introduction that 'paranoia' is associated with the dominance of the left brain, but I refer to the necessary emotional state of normal left-brain function...anxiety in the face of novelty that drives the urge to name, classify, divide, measure in order to reduce anxiety through the achievement of control. This anxiety is absolutely opposed to trust, and trust is essential to beginning the spiritual life.

In any case, I look forward to reading the book, and hope to use its insights to engage with a hopelessly (even pathologically) left-brained friend, who has lapsed into a disturbingly rigid scientism since he drank the kool-aid of the New Atheists some years back. Direct appeal from religion won't work, as Son of Moses told us McGilchrist himself recognizes.

Do you think, Bruce, that the limitations of the book--its pulling back from outright metaphysics--might actually make it more effective as a bridge to a prisoner of his own left brain?

I hope I can reach my friend with TMahE. I am actually concerned about his eternal soul here.

21 December 2011 at 15:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@PH - The book can be and usually is read as a straightforward piece of science - putting forward a new and better theory (or refinement of the theory) of the right and left brain distinction.

21 December 2011 at 15:34

Blogger Wurmbrand said...

I also ordered a copy. Even though I expect that much of the book will be over my head, it may be encouraging and useful as I continue to deal, as an American university teacher, with the strange compulsion now abroad for "measurable outcomes" and "maximizing efficiencies."

21 December 2011 at 18:19

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Bruce and SonofMoses to share. This has been really insightful.


22 December 2011 at 12:21

Anonymous Ben said...

This book wouldn't exist without Julian Jayne's "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", and THAT book is insightful to the point of fatigue.

I'll share a few:
"The grand and vigorous function of metaphor is the generation of new language as it is needed, as human culture becomes more and more complex."

"Subjective conscious mind is an analog of what is called the real world. It is built up with a vocabulary or lexical field whose terms are all metaphors or analogs of behavior in the physical world. Its reality is of the same order as mathematics."

"We constantly rate others and pigeonhole them in often ridiculous status hierarchies simply to regulate their control over us and our thoughts. Our personal judgments of others are filters of influence. If you wish to allow another's language power over you, simply hold him higher in your own private scale of esteem."

You should read it, although it IS atheist in bent (which is no problem for me).

22 December 2011 at 22:09

Anonymous Cantillonblog said...

Outstanding book - thanks for the suggestion, Bruce.

Have you tried the Alexander Technique? I personally have experienced a significant shift in consciousness towards a more balanced/right-hemisphere approach having been super-analytical until a few years ago, and I attribute these changes to Alexander Technique/Rolfing/Feldenkrais.

A link here may be interesting:-

Would love to hear any other suggestions you have for encouraging this mode of consciousness. I suppose prayer and attending to great art can both help.

25 December 2011 at 18:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Son of Moses - I made the decision to delete your interesting comment because IM prefers that this information not be published at present.

It was my decision and responsibility to publish your comment, so please do not be put-off or offended by this reversal of my original decision.

26 December 2011 at 16:53