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Blogger Northwest Alternative said...

"If God should withdraw himself from nature,
or should cease to act upon it, that portion of it which is without life or intelligence, (if there
be any such portion,) would immediately cease all action: and while thus apart from nature
no laws could be given to it which could be obeyed: no gravitative or cohesive tendencies
could be exerted upon it; no chemical combinations or organic operations could be
performed; or in other words, unintelligent nature would be entirely dead, and no voice or
power could awake it, or have the least effect upon it, without entering into it, and operating
upon it, and through it. It is only living and intelligent substances that hear, and understand,
and obey a law. And if unintelligent nature appear to act and obey a law, it is not in reality
the acts of nature, but the operations of a living, intelligent substance inhabiting nature.
Unintelligent nature could no more act than the body without the spirit could act. Therefore,
all the grand and magnificent movements of the universe as a whole, and all the minute and
imperceptible operations of its particles, are the continued effects of the living, moving,
all-powerful substance diffused through the whole."

Animistic Mormon theology from Orson Pratt, writing in the Seer during Brigham Young's day. Cleon Skousen's "Building Blocks of the Universe" continues in a similar vein more recently. So that strand of thought does exist in Latter-day Saint theology.

17 April 2021 at 17:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NA - Good to know. Shame it didn't survive! I never got round to reading the Pratt brothers except summarized briefly in more modern work.

17 April 2021 at 18:02