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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

"The main barrier to salvation is not ignorance but 'having other priorities'."

The whole post is excellent. I've already read it three times, but I particularly like this last line because it boils the matter down to an understandable essence.

What strikes me about the other priorities is their ultimate meaninglessness if salvation is rejected. Without salvation, everything we do, everything we enjoy, and everyone we love is rendered pointless because death and decay will inevitably bring an end to all of it.

We will not "survive" in any meaningful way. In this sense, having other priorities certainly stems from pride, but it also hints at a most degraded form of selfishness, and an utter lack of real love.

On the surface, selfishness and self-love should inspire people to pursue salvation, to become mini-Gods, in the same way selfishness motivates people to ensure they find a place in a lifeboat aboard a sinking ship. But it doesn't; which proves salvation cannot be attained through mere concern for oneself (through subordinating divine Creation for one's own purposes).

Salvation is not about "survival"; it truly is about love (as you defined it in this post), which helps explain why so few people want Heaven.

Once again, great post.

23 February 2021 at 11:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Thanks Frank! - "What strikes me about the other priorities is their ultimate meaninglessness if salvation is rejected. Without salvation, everything we do, everything we enjoy, and everyone we love is rendered pointless because death and decay will inevitably bring an end to all of it."

I think we can perceive that most people have recognized the pointlessness of 'everything we enjoy and everyone we love' absent salvation; by the fact that these pleasures and (most of) relationships are exactly what were given-up en masse in 2020; with barely a murmur of protest and without any apparent strong desire to get them back again.

23 February 2021 at 12:20

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

Excellent post. The last point is quite sobering as while ignorance can be overcome, a willful refusal to repent cannot be overcome. I believe this was what Jesus warned about the "unpardonable sin". All sins can be forgiven, but if one refuses to see sin for what it is, then no circumstances can make one want salvation.

Francis makes another great point about how refusing salvation leads to despair. I believe this is the real story behind the hysterical overreaction to the birdflu. Humanity has faced worse pandemics before yet we have never resorted to indefinite house arrests, denying loved ones the comforts of spiritual guidance before death, canceling holidays, and completely abolishing in person worship. Secular society is unable to cope with death. Modern man was delivered from the fear of hell by embracing materialism. However, annihilation doesn't seem to provide any real comfort.

24 February 2021 at 00:56