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Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@H. I agree, and Steiner also understand the reason why (which is why he got it right). My own understanding is heavily indebted to Steiner in these matters, obviously!

But I regard Russia as very much part of The System, part of the problem, and not an answer. They are just less inverted, less actively destructive than the Anglosphere and Europe.

A decade ago I had more hopes of Russia, but (for example) they have remained secular and materialist dominated; and therefore failed the birdemic litmus test (inxluding closing churches), so there seems no doubt of their fundamental wrongness in the spiritual war.

19 January 2022 at 09:23

Anonymous Todd said...

One man or woman planting a garden and saving seeds, and showing a child what you can create with life, is worth more than the output of Harvard at this time.

19 January 2022 at 15:55

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Todd "worth more than the output of Harvard"

That is setting the bar pretty low, since 'the output of Harvard' is grossly net harmful and evil.

An empty parking lot is 'worth more'!

19 January 2022 at 16:45