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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger William Wildblood said...

Speaking as someone who has been involved in channelling as mentioned in the post, I think this an excellent analysis of the phenomenon. When genuine (and often, of course, it is not), it demonstrates that there are many levels to the non-material world and many of the beings to be found therein who fall short of the actual heavenly worlds might consider themselves wiser and more spiritually developed than they actually are. Then, of course, there are demons who deliberately lead astray. But the elaborate esoteric intellectualised metaphysics that sometimes come out of this contradict the fundamental spiritual fact that truth is of the heart, and true spiritual teachers aim to awaken that rather than convey information, occult or otherwise. The Biblical injunction to test the spirits to see whether they are of God remains the best advice.

17 March 2022 at 19:28

Anonymous Oppressed Paranormal said...

Good overview.

Most of the New Agers had no kids so the biological basis for higher consciousness has declined.

Channeled entities had a strong rejection of any traditional morality from God. God was self-created, you create your own reality, was the common belief.

But if God is actually real with dispositions in accord with the Bible then New Age channeling is simply wrong.

17 March 2022 at 20:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@OP - I agree that "New Age" channeling is wrong - but not channeling as such. It is, after all, when in a Christian context, likely to be what some/many real prophets have experienced.

In terms of Romantic Christianity, then New Age channeling is trying to be romantic but not Christian - but traditional-orthodox Christianity tries to be Christian but not romantic. And both New Age and trad-orthodox Christianity have been massively weakened and shrunk by the events of this millennium.

You are a new commenter here, and may not be aware of many posts over the past two years pointing out that 2020 was the worst year for Christian churches since they began - worst in terms of closure and cessation of activities and loss of members; but even worse because the churches agreed with and supported this destruction.

So, by my understanding, it is legitimate - and sometimes necessary - for Christians to explore and experience direct ways of making contact with the divine and spiritual.

It is risky, but then (as we have seen since 2020) so is being a strict orthodox Christian - here-and-now there is no 'safe' path to salvation.

18 March 2022 at 07:16