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Anonymous ben said...

Happened to watch this video yesterday

15 November 2022 at 08:27

Blogger David Earle said...

I have great admiration for Kreeft. I don't recall how I discovered him, but when I was first becoming a Christian, his writings and speeches were what I consumed the most. I didn't know much at the time, but I knew that man was speaking truth, and he really helped connect the dots. But I will say I no longer share his omni-god perspective either.

15 November 2022 at 10:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - I have read a lot of Kreeft's work - - I think I discovered him via his books on Tolkien and CS Lewis; and his version of Pascal's Pensees was very valuable, at one point. Of course, I have moved a long way from his theology; but I certainly regard him as A Good Thing.

I am not sure how he is dealing with Francis I and the gross apostasy of the official RCC (as revealed, conclusively, by the birdemic-peck responses...

Kreeft was really a Chestertonian-style apologist; operating on the assumption that The Roman Church was itself real Christianity - and his main goal being to get people to be orthodox and obedient Catholics.

Yet Kreeft surely can't believe this is enough nowadays, in the way that it was when Chesterton was writing. In 2022 a Catholic who was merely obedient to Orthodoxy defined here-and-now by the Pope/ Magisterium/ Bishops would, on average, Not be a real Christian.

But I don't know whether Kreeft has been explicit in his public statements about how modern Catholics absolutely need to use personal discernment in a primary way, to navigate not just *to* the RCC, but also *within* the RCC - something that was only seldom necessary in the past.

15 November 2022 at 10:50

Anonymous ben said...

I wonder if one of the functions of the C02=warming idea is to distract from the Sun's changes

16 November 2022 at 01:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ben - Well, I would have supposed that the primary function of pretending that CO2 drives climate is that this provides an excuse to control all animals and plants. But clearly the sun drives earth's climate, as you say.

Of course, the sun remains almost completely unpredictable (apart from its 11/22 year 'heartbeat' of sunspots, known for centuries) - which I believe is because the sun is a Being, and has agency.

16 November 2022 at 06:19