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Anonymous dearieme said...

Long ago when I was an undergraduate, all us science-and-engineering types had heard of MIT, but knew of Harvard only in terms of its Business School. How farsighted of us.

4 April 2013 at 12:18

Blogger sykes.1 said...

Harvard's basic problem is that its faculty is superannuated and corrupt, plagiarism being the main sin but outright lying fairly common. Think Tribe, Goodwin, Gould, Lewontin, et al.

4 April 2013 at 13:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@sykes - Yes, corrupt - but clearly *not* superannuated in the sense of faculty being lazy or unproductive - but I don't think we have any comparative data about whether Harvard is *more* corrupt than elsewhere.

On the other hand, I would agree in the sense that corruption at Harvard is much more damaging than elsewhere, especially in the public sphere/media where they assume that the motto of Veritas remains correct - whereas I would hazard that it ceased to be correct around about when they quietly deleted "Christo et Ecclesiae" (for Christ and the Church) which for a long time used to surround the heraldic shield.

4 April 2013 at 16:08

Anonymous Marcus B. Fairchild said...

Professor Charlton,

Your assessment assumes as obvious that NLG prizes are the proper criteria for revolutionary science and scientific excellence. But why should that necessarily be taken for granted? You've made your anti-democratic views quite clear in the past, and I tend to agree. But aren't the NLG prizes a form of democratic elections, albeit with an electorate of experts?

As for Harvard's size, have you looked into Harvard's citations or publications per faculty member? Harvard is big, but it's smaller than the U. of Michigan and Berkeley, for example. What about their NLG per faculty member, relative to Harvard's?

4 April 2013 at 17:14

Anonymous MC said...

Don't scientific researchers lean heavily on their students to do the legwork in their research, and perhaps to spur their creativity? I don't know since I majored in history.

Harvard is the finishing school for the American elite, so its students are going to be less help in that regard than the future engineers and scientists at MIT.

4 April 2013 at 18:32

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@MBF - People can always ask for more detail or criticize the variables; but are there any better? These numbers took me and Peter Andras more than 18 months of work (albeit not full time).

If I calculated more or different numbers, would it really make any difference? If people ignore the simple numbers, they'll ignore the complicated numbers.

No, I don't think that Nobels etc are a reliable measure of revolutionary science - they represent what the peer review cartel within science believes is the most important work. If none of the work is important, or it it is all corrupt, then the prizes don't mean much.

All this data says is that by the prevailing criteria of evaluation, Harvard does not rate at the top. But that is interesting, isn't it?

4 April 2013 at 19:14

Anonymous AlexT said...

The smartest and, crucially, most sensible grads i met while living in the US were MIT and CalTech people. They seemed to have quite sensible approach to life in general which differentiated them from the leftist ivy league crowd. Not in all cases perhaps, but in enough to make a difference in my view of them.

4 April 2013 at 23:36

Anonymous Sylvie D. Rousseau said...

What these numbers tell me is how enhanced is applied science nowadays compared to theoretical science 50 years ago. I hazard it might be because practical results are more obviously proof of theoretical accuracy. It is a pity that theoretical science has, for whatever reasons, become less important than applied science.

5 April 2013 at 18:09