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Blogger jana gatien said...

I couldn't agree more. Here in Canada, 3 pastors called out the LIE and were consequently jailed (for weeks) and their churches seized by the state. Their larger institutions didn't make a peep. Unsurprisingly, I haven't heard of any other pastors, priests, ministers, etc making a stand since. They seem to have all been cucked and thus save face by pretending, along w the flock, that the birdemic is real and they are all doing their best civic duty to save people's lives (which is a false goal if no lives are ever saved here, only souls...and no church seems to mind if those souls rot w the body). What i see is a materialistic simulation of Christianity within an all-inclusive vacation world, where pleasure & prolongment of pleasant physicality has become the point of existence. The birdemic has highlighted that most, including system Christians, LIKE the lies and derive their pleasure from merely simulating good personhood (and not genuinely attaining it). Many to most are not regarding their spiritual salvation at all and don't even see this as a test of spiritual discernment. Deep in fantasy, their test is: how can I navigate this real (though we know it's fake) situation as the most virtuous person possible?

19 June 2021 at 21:57