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Blogger TheGreekDollmaker said...

Greetings Sir Charlton

Could I have a way to contact you privately? I would like to ask you a few questions in regards to some things that are distressing me. I am having trouble coming to terms with IQ research and its decline, and I would like to atleast get your feedback about a few things.

With Regards

Chris D.

30 March 2021 at 13:28

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

TGD - My address is in the sidebar; but I cannot promise to alleviate distress...

30 March 2021 at 13:45

Blogger Francis Berger said...

Excellent post. What you have outlined here matches my understanding of how the freedom and agency people developed over the past two centuries or so has essentially been squandered. The autonomy gained in spiritual adolescence should lead to the responsibility of spiritual adulthood - the recognition that freedom must be employed to discover and reveal the experience of a deeper spiritual life attuned to God.

I get the sense people willingly turned away from God because they were unable or, more correctly, unwilling to recognize a higher form of freedom than the one they had gained in spiritual adolescence. Spiritual adolescence marks a high level of freedom, but also a high level of alienation from God. The autonomy gained in adolescence allowed for self-determined thought and action and a great deal of rejection - a lot of "freedom from", but really dropped the ball when it came to discovering or embracing a positive "freedom for."

Whenever I think about the evolution of consciousness, I consider it from the perspective of how individuals relate to God, themselves, and others. I don't know what to make of our current stage of consciousness with this perspective in mind. It appears people are willingly and irretrievably slipping into a terrible form of objectified existence marked by slavery consciousness (for lack of a better term). The concept of self-damnation becomes clearer with each passing day.

30 March 2021 at 20:56