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Blogger John Goes said...

Thank you for sharing this, Bruce. It is indeed encouraging!

1 February 2023 at 01:20

Blogger The Anti-Gnostic said...

I had a moment of divine prescience as a young boy. I was raised in a conservative household and knew all about the Iron Curtain, Vietnam, and was reading Andrew van der Bijl and even The Gulag Archipelago from a young age. I distinctly remember a vision of the Fire Nation's citizens overthrowing atheistic communism.

There were at least three instances in my life when, due to foolish actions on my part, I should have died by accident but did not.

1 February 2023 at 03:39

Anonymous cecil1 said...

"I don't believe that divination works (nowadays - although it did work in ancient times - up to the early years of the Roman Empire)"

Reading this line gave me a serious 'Wait, what???' moment.

Could you explain this?? Why exactly did divination work then but now doesn't??

What is special about the Roman Empire period that marks this transition??? Is the Roman times a reference to the coming of Christ? OR the Holy Spirit??

I always understood that God, and the Holy Spirit were present before Christ's appearance of earth (as after), so I'm not clear how this would be important IF that is part of the understanding.

Anyway I was rather struck by the certainty with which you stated this ususual observation.

1 February 2023 at 04:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@c1 - I became convinced of this by the work of Jeremy Naydler, referenced here:

The reason is the evolutionary development of consciousness (in The West), as described by Rudolf Steiner than more clearly by Owen Barfield. In ancient tribal societies, there was no need for specific techniques of divination because Men lived immersed in the supernatural world.

In the intermediate agrarian societies, consciousness began to detach from the divine and the spirit (Men became more materialistic) but particular adept, expert, trained people could still do simple divination with the help of technologies. The Ancient Greeks had no doubt that divination worked, the Romans began with confidence, but over the centuries reported that it became less effective and ceased to work.

Since then, and especially since the industrial revolution; divination has waned and waned; the effectiveness of divination has been regarded as sporadic and uncertain, and it has seldom been confidently regarded as an explicit instrument of public policy.

Even through the twentieth century there was a significant reduction in the confidence in divination, even in those sub-groups who continued to practice it.

By now; our consciousness is too cut-off from spontaneous immersion in the spiritual world for divination to break the barrier - except maybe by impairing consciousness, but use of drugs, and other manipulations of consciousness open the mind to false information and also impair understanding and memory.

1 February 2023 at 06:55

Anonymous ben said...


-If God shapes creation by employing beings, and if beings need to be in relationship in order to influence each other in some unconventional way, then it could be that the decline in genuine belief in God, Jesus, human spirits, resurrected incarnates, other spirits, is cutting off communications (as well as other shapings) that could be built into creation that'd constitute everyday 'divination'.

-Praying would be actually 'physically' opening up God's ability to bear on you, praying for a rose would be making it possible for St Therese to send you one etc.

-Formalised divination might be useful because easy to read, but communications could be built into anything.

-Life is better understood as a story that's being shaped for each individual by various beings employed by God. Every moment, you're at a point on a path with content behind you that's built up to this moment, and content ahead ready to be shaped. People aren't really in 'environments', more like 'settings'. Divination isn't like an experiment in a lab (labs themselves actually being settings in stories) because it functions (like everything) as part of a divine plan. Dynamic and purposeful (for God-intended learning) not static and freely manipulable by a single being.

-If creation is being thoroughly shaped all the time from the bottom-up by God and assisting beings, then communications can be understood as being merely those shapings that are being noticed, but those shapings are existing among endless shapings that are having effects (like communications are having effects) but those effects are usually going unnoticed.

1 February 2023 at 16:18

Blogger cae said...

@Ben - Such a great comment!! You touch on something I've felt from intuition for years now, especially in these two lines from your beginning paragraphs:

"then it could be that the decline in genuine belief in God, Jesus, human spirits, resurrected incarnates, other spirits, is cutting off communications"
"-Praying would be actually 'physically' opening up God's ability to bear on you, praying for a rose would be making it possible for St Therese to send you one etc."

It's my feeling that our 'Belief' is (or has become) a necessary component not only to divine "communications", but also 'empowerment' of heavenly 'forces' in the world.

It seems to me that the demonic 'powers' not only fuel Atheism for this reason, but also (over the last 20 or so years) have been working to 'censor' (so to speak) reports of supernatural/paranormal experiences.

Because, if people believe anything 'other than' a strictly material world view - even just ESP or intuition for that matter - it might lead to opening the mind toward belief in God.

You know, there used to be a time when almost any media source might report on some person's experience of receiving help during an emergency and being certain afterward that the 'helper' had been an angel....
....but stories like that have become much rarer, and even when you see them, the accounts are usually several years old.

This speaks to the fact that even self-professed 'Christians' these days, don't seem to truly 'Believe' in anything 'supernatural' (I think it was C.S. Lewis who equated the word "Supernatural" with the spiritual/God)

Anyway, I think you've made a really important point re: God may 'need' our 'Belief'/prayers in order to be 'enabled to intervene' in this world.

And thus, perhaps it follows that 'Magic' no longer works, because it's no longer 'believed' to work...?

1 February 2023 at 18:33

Blogger agraves said...

It seems to me that the lessening of divination/oracles in the Roman world coincided with the rise of Christianity. The forceful destruction of pagan temples, rites, beliefs, artworks of all kinds resulted in any divination becoming not only illegal but punishable as a crime. Divination can still be helpful today but you must work at it and pay attention to the message. Moderns today are too much in a hurry due to materialistic lifestyles and general oppression of subjective experiences as being "true".

1 February 2023 at 20:11