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Blogger Francis Berger said...

I agree with your assessment here. The destruction of the objective symbol has been an openly expressed objective of those aligned against God - and for all intents and purposes that objective has been achieved. The world is now nothing but "words, words, words"; nevertheless, I don't believe the Word - as expressed in the opening lines of the Fourth Gospel - can ever be overcome. This seems to fit well with your idea of remaining loyal to realities rather than words. The Word is not "words", but Reality.

15 October 2020 at 12:34

Anonymous Sean Fowler. said...

I see a magic in words. For me they do have, wrought into them, true meaning. The powers that be can distort and manipulate language as much as they like, but cannot eradicate the true meaning of words. I don’t believe it’s possible.

15 October 2020 at 16:16

Anonymous Nathan said...

I agree with this in part, I also see this as an opportunity for true freedom ... as an opportunity to truly discern between the truth and the lie. We clearly see now, just how corrupt everything is. We have before us a golden opportunity like never before, to clear out all the garbage, and let the light of Truth illuminate us (no matter how painful it may be, we must say Yes to this kind of suffering that purifies our ego)

Either self-refutation or an increase in wisdom brings one closer the truth.

We are seeing the dogma of our personal disneylands crumble before our eyes, and only those who wish to remain asleep can't see this. (maybe there is good reason for this, I don't think it's wise to run round kicking over others sandcastles).

Bring on a world where we live with head and heart, with direct intuition and gratitude, with maximum ambition and maximum humility.

16 October 2020 at 09:58

Anonymous Jacob Gittes said...

I notice, however, that "they" always attempt to phrase things so that they cannot be claimed to be lying in a legalistic fashion. They always use qualifiers such as "it seems," or "it may be," etc. They have a strange legalistic thing going on which doesn't seem to allow them to outright lie if you parse their words technically. I believe that they have some sort of cosmic law (from God?) which forces them to tell the truth to those who really pay attention.

16 October 2020 at 17:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jacob - I agree; but the qualifier may be buried deep in 'the small print', and not repeated.

16 October 2020 at 17:40