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"Hobbit movie review"


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Blogger CorkyAgain said...

"The way for a serious Tolkien fan to watch the new Hobbit movie is to focus on the look of it, switch attention on and off as required, and just try to ignore the intrusive film school tropes and ludicrously over-blown and silly CG special effect set-pieces - especially the compulsive insertion of so much pork pie peril."

If the reviews I've seen are accurate, ignoring the film school tropes, CG effects, etc. means, in effect, ignoring the movie altogether.

Which I have resolved to do.

21 December 2012 at 08:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Corky - I haven't read any reviews - the above is my naive impression.

I figured that I could not trust movie reviewers (because they are evaluating from an alien and non-Tolkienian perspective) so I need not read any of them.

Correction: The only movie reviewer that I find worth reading is Orson Scott Card.

But this movie is conveniently ignorable by Tolkien fans - the only *important* things they will miss that is worth seeing, as I mentioned, are the lovely large scale moving pictures based on Alan Lee's illustrations; and the Gollum scene.

21 December 2012 at 10:20

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would give it 4.5 out of 5.

- Far too violent for its intended audience. It ought to have been a borderline case for 15/18 rating, rather than 12a.
- I didn't like Erebor at all - vey gaudy and mechanical (giant hammers etc. I would prefer not to know how dwarves go about their business deep under the mountain, leave it as something beyond our imagination, with a hint of magic.) It didn't give the sense that Erebor was a shadow of the splendor of Moria. Too much gold.
- Minor quibbles - the wolves were very slow and couldn't smell, they looked about 50 yards away during parts of the chase to Rivendell. Lightweight Bilbo saved Thorin at the end by bowling over a 250 lb mesomorph orc lieutenant.
- Stone giants in the mountains - I was hoping they would ignore these outcasts from Tolkein's chain of being as I try to. They don't fit!
- It was a shame that Christopher Lee did seem tired. His Saruman was the outstanding portrayal of a character in LotR.

The film was very like a videogame. This didn't bother me as I've grown up playing them, but I can see how anyone who hasn't could find it grating. I thought this did allow them to keep an atmosphere of whimsy alongside adventure e.g. messing around with the crockery, getting knocked around and spitted by trolls.

- I never expected the film to be particularly faithful to the book, just couldn't be done after the LotR films imo. I can enjoy the Hobbit best in the context of LotR/the Quest for Erebor (in Unfinished Tales) anyway (read LotR first) so I got what I was expecting/hoping for. E.g. In the Hobbit King Thorin, his kinsmen and retainers don't carry weapons (preferring musical instruments), this had to be corrected. Your point about 'fake dissent' is explained here I think; in Quest for Erebor we see Gandalf is very frustrated with Thorin.
- I thought they kept the right elements and added suitable ones. They preserved Bilbo's competing drives of home and adventure, pity and mercy for gollum and the camaraderie and compulsion of the dwarves. They got across that the suspicion and resentment toward the elves was out of keeping with their character, but found encouragement in the more subtle antagonism of the elves. The dwarves were correctly portrayed as admirable people, but difficult for outsiders to get along with.
- Thorin. If, as apparent, these films simply must have a warrior/man of action as co-protagonist then Thorin is the best one can hope for. Strengths and flaws combined in an integrated way. Contrast with Aragorn, for whom they had to imagine flaws, which didn't fit with the rest of his character.
- I found the film exciting and well paced. I hadn't know how long it would be beforehand, and was surprised to check my watch and find it had taken 3 hours. In fact it was almost too exciting; I felt rather dazed for a while afterwards (saw in 3d 48fps, haven't been to the cinema in years, I will see again so my opinion may change if my unhabituated senses were simply overwhelmed).


21 December 2012 at 11:01

Blogger CorkyAgain said...

I agree, most reviewers are coming to the movie with a non-Tolkienian perspective.

That's why your review, coming from someone who has demonstrated his knowledge of (and sympathy for) what the books were about, was the one that clinched it for me.

But I've seen other reviews which have described the movie as too much like a video game or the typical Hollywood action flick, and they've discussed elements of the plot which suggest that this movie enlarges on all the things I disliked about the LotR movies while downplaying or ignoring the things that redeemed them.

Here's a lecture by Notre Dame's David O'Connor, who describes some of the ways Peter Jackson has "flattened" Tolkien's vision:

This first Hobbit movie appears to be yet more of what O'Connor is talking about. The Hobbit starts out as a childish sort of book, but at the end it begins to rise up to the moral plane of The Lord of the Rings. I don't see any reason to expect that Peter Jackson's films will achieve anything like that kind of elevation. If anything, I expect the sinking to continue toward ever more disappointing mediocrity.

21 December 2012 at 11:16

Anonymous dearieme said...

"pork pie peril": 'tis but a trifle.

21 December 2012 at 11:21

Anonymous Daybreaker said...

The 2-disc CD soundtrack is good and will probably hold up better than the movies.

21 December 2012 at 12:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@D - I have the three discs of Howard Shore's music for LotR - and like them very much. The Hobbit music seems like more of the same kind of thing, so I'll probably buy it when the price comes down.

21 December 2012 at 12:51

Anonymous Q said...

I haven't read the books but I found the last two installments of LOTR quite boring and tedious due to all the action scenes. "Peter Jackson has buried Tolkien's mythic tragedy under an avalanche of tricks" in the words of David P. Goldman(aka Spengler).

He also wrote this about The Hobbit:

"Peter Jackson’s first of three Hobbit films took a thrashing from the critics, who disliked the effect produced the new 48-frames-per-second projection system. This makes everything a bit too clear, a bit too smooth, such that sets and costumes seemed artificial to some. It is off-putting at first. Halfway through the film, though, I suddenly thought, “This is the way I saw the world when I was a child!” There are many wonderful things about Jackson’s film, of which the choice of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins stands at the top of my list; unlike the listless Elijah Wood, a boy playing the role of the middle-aged Frodo in the “Ring” trilogy, Freeman is a grown-up. He is a master of English understatement but also an actor of great range, and he carries the film brilliantly. As in the Rings trilogy the sets and settings are marvelous. Especially gratifying was the inclusion of many of Tolkien’s poems with affecting settings by Howard Shore.


Jackson had a difficult task at hand: The Hobbit is a children’s tale that nonetheless sets up the events leading to the later novels. Jackson and his colleagues effectively integrated background from Tolkien’s Middle Earth histories to establish context and continuity, and in some cases added inventions of their own. Some of these, for example the appearance of the wizard Radagast, work quite well (and are consistent with Tolkien’s story). And the Three Stooges routine performed by the three trolls was a permissible aside, much in the spirit of the book. Others, notably the entirely invented character of an Orc leader with a grudge against the dwarves, are generic Hollywood claptrap. Those are not minor flaws in a work that for the most part is brilliantly conceived and executed. Nonetheless the film should help keep Tolkien’s wonderful story in the mind of the public. Considering all the other stories we have to hear, that is a comfort."

And according to David P. Goldman Tolkien well may have written his epic as an "anti-Ring" to repair the damage that Wagner had inflicted upon Western culture. His article is a most interesting read(which links to earlier articles he wrote about this subject):

I placed a link to your review under his article and David P. Goldman had this to say:

"Prof. Charlton sees the same glass, and declares it half-poisoned. His objections are the same as mine, but I have a different overall response. Popular culture has been poisoned by Richard Wagner for the past century and a half. Luke Skywalker is a cheap comic-book knockoff of Siegfried (down to and including the confrontation with his father, Darth Vader/Wotan). Harry Potter is more of a melange but is a closer kin to Siegfried. The cultural import of Tolkien’s Hobbits comes through in the film for all its flaws. Tolkien is all we have to set against the septic tide, and Peter Jackson et. al. have kept him at the forefront of popular culture. That is a good, and enormously important thing."

24 December 2012 at 14:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Q - I do read 'Spengler' every few months - and he usually has interesting things to say: but he does not see things from the same perspective as I do - as the comments on CS Lewis and Harry Potter make clear. That perhaps explains some of our difference in evaluation - although I also felt that the movie was fairly badly put-together, badly paced and edited.

24 December 2012 at 14:35

Anonymous Imnobody said...

I enjoyed the movie, mainly because the plot seemed boring and tedious to me (and I'm a Tolkien fan for decades and loved the LOTR movies). I couldn't give a damn about the characters.

So, early in the movie, I stopped paying attention to the story and dedicated to admire the beautiful landscapes in 3D and 48fps. Beauty is always rewarding.

24 December 2012 at 17:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Imnob - I watched it in 2D - it still looked beautiful. That would certainly be the best way to enjoy it. I browsed a couple of the movie tie-in photo books, and rather liked them for the same reason.

24 December 2012 at 18:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree and I think this review and comment thread is kind of snobby. Look, to translate the book into a movie is a Herculean task and this product is Jacksonesque, not Tolkienesque. But it also gives us a bit more by way of Walsh and Boyens that adds to the experience for the modern lover of the story, and that is good. Sure, too much campy violence,but it is going somewhere. Why not go there before we decide it's not worth the attempt? Why not have the broader characterization of dwarves as a vehicle for communicating something more- something consistent with what we get from LOTR etc.? The Hobbit has its own set of problems that expand in the sequels- ALOT. The professor did not intend alot of things that come out of The Hobbit into what he did intend in LOTR and ff. So bagging on the movies really should not be a part of a discussion about the books-- they are distinctly different modes of story-telling. But I really think the story has not lost anything in Jackson et al's retelling and embellishing of it, I think it has gained some depth in some ways that it did not otherwise have, and that has merit, inspite of overdoing it with special effects in chase and flee scenes.

10 January 2013 at 05:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JF - My review is mixed, not wholly hostile - but overall I am negative about the movie.


Two essential reasons. Just considered as a movie (regarded as free standing from the book) it is only partially successful - it is not consistently well written, or structured or edited. Nothing like as good as - say - Rise of the Guardians (another recent movie), nor Jackson's first and third LotR movies - more like the Two Towers.

The second reason is that the Hobbit movie does NOT capture the essence of the book. A movie that claims to be an adaptation of a book need not (and never does) contain literally the same elements and nothing more - but if it fails to capture the 'spirit' then it is not truly an adaptation - rather the movie has *used* the book as *raw material*.

By contrast the pretty-terrible, crudely animated and vulgar old Rankin-Bass cartoon of The Hobbit was a sincere - but only very partially successful - attempt to capture the spirit of the Hobbit.

In sum, Jackson has used The Hobbit as raw material, and he has made a middlish quality movie. If the spirit of the book had been pursued, or if the movie had been better made as a whole, then I would probably have been happy - but as it is I feel negative about it while regarding many specific aspects (eg the Gollum scene, the depiction of the Shire) as superb.

10 January 2013 at 06:26

Blogger George Goerlich said...

I finally saw this and I couldn't believe how terribly poorly he did it. I had to fast forward through large time portions, especially the wacky rabbit-rider wizard getting high nonsense. Very disappointed in Jackson's story re-writing.

30 March 2013 at 01:35