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Blogger No Longer Reading said...

"The failure is that to assume un-aliveness as ultimate to reality has such downstream consequences of that Beings, such as ourselves, are ultimately constrained by the un-alive. We are regarded as dwelling among un-aliveness."

Good summary.

14 August 2023 at 12:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - I can see many short-term expedient reasons for assuming that most of reality is unalive; but it leads to - I would say - insoluble problems downstream. These problems are ignored at the explicit level, but have taken severe toll on our civilizational motivation and morale (i.e. destroyed them, pretty much!) in terms of their implications. And the problems permeate all the mainstream religions, too - forcing them into de facto partial-alliance with the Ahrimanic/ Globalist/ Materialist camp - like it or not.

14 August 2023 at 13:45

Blogger Deogolwulf said...

‘as useless and misleading as is the work of the entirety of Western Philosophy’

‘The failure is that to assume un-aliveness as ultimate to reality has such downstream consequences of that Beings, such as ourselves, are ultimately constrained by the un-alive. We are regarded as dwelling among un-aliveness.’

Platonism holds that the world itself as a whole is ensouled and alive:

‘[W]e must say divine providence brought our world into being as a truly living thing, endowed with soul and intelligence.’ [Plato, Timaeus, 30b-c; tr. Donald J. Zeyl; in Plato: Complete Works, eds. John. M. Cooper, D.S. Hutchinson (Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1997), p. 1236.]

The world-soul (ψυχὴ κόσμου, psychè kósmou) is a famous doctrine of Platonism, which is not only a Western philosophy, but also the paramount Western philosophy, albeit radically at odds with how things have gone since the fall of the Ancient World. You've got things the wrong way round. The materialistically-assumptive mindset that sees the world as essentially soulless and unalive comes from ... ahem ... elsewhere.

15 August 2023 at 21:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@D - Yes there are a few superficial similarities between what I am saying and what Plato said; but I am saying something fundamentally different.

16 August 2023 at 10:02