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Anonymous Epimetheus said...

Perhaps the national angels are merely our ancestors in heaven? This would suggest that the real mass of national "distinctiveness" is on the other side of the veil. We get a little glow of it back in this world.

19 July 2022 at 21:40

Anonymous ben said...

A nation would be an organism made of organisms like an ant colony is made of ants or a human body is made of cells; nations would be made of cells that are humans. The nation would be an incarnate being, with a body made of human cells. Presumably England existed before it incarnated and may now be in another form if England has died. The cells that used to constitute England don't seem to form a nation with themselves any longer.

If England is an actual being, then it might be that its cells can know its mind. Maybe England's mind is made of English individuals minds that can somehow tap into the mind of England? Or maybe there's some direct empathising like Tolkien with the meteorite.

Also, I suppose families, nations, races would be groupings of similar beings that were somehow associated before incarnation and so there might be something like a cosmic England. An England in Heaven, even.

These thoughts aren't all necessarily consistent with each other.

19 July 2022 at 22:08

Blogger Rainforest Giant said...

So when a nation dies or is transformed beyond its previous form does the nature of the Angel change?

20 July 2022 at 01:54

Anonymous Joseph A. said...

Paging Kristor . . . he must have something insightful to write about this.

Your description -- which seems appropriate -- reminds me of the Greeks' understanding of the Golden Age. I suspect that myths come from true insights into the nature of things. And so in this case, too.

And we can add the role of the saints in the subsequent life of their nation -- and of nations that adopt them (e.g. George).

We really see so little -- physicsy, spiritually, socially, even psychologically . . . I wonder if ego-centrism has its root in our significant nearsightedness.

20 July 2022 at 04:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Epi - If there is a genuine group identity, there must be a guiding purpose, which means (for me) a guiding 'being'. Otherwise, purpose is just being projected onto the nation.

@ben - analogies are fine, so long as we don't assume we understand the operations of that which is being analogized: such as ants. Ant behaviour is not biologically explicable, any more than human behaviour - both require a metaphysics that allows for genuine teleology, which science does not.

@RG - Yes, change is a consequence of time, and all living beings include time in their 'definitions'.

In general - readers need to be clear that I am Not, here, recapitulating explanations based upon 'Platonic ideals' of nations (such as are mentioned by CS Lewis in his Britain-Logres distinction, or in The Last Battle - where Lewis was explicitly drawing upon Platonism).

My underlying metaphysical assumptions (concerning the nature of reality) are very different.

20 July 2022 at 07:25

Anonymous ben said...

It wouldn't really be analogy. The idea would be that England exists/existed as a literal body made of English cells. There would be a situation of nestedness or fractalness with cells making humans, humans making nations, nations making races.

To illustrate with an example, men fighting in war would be something like the arms of the body of the nation fighting for the whole body that is the nation. During battle, the men would be possessed by England or somehow empathising with England's mind. Each man would adopt the mentality of an individual (England) defending itself from another individual (foreign nation).

With this understanding, the foreign invasion situation in the West might have been planned by the demons to literally kill the national beings that used to exist, to drive them out of incarnation.

Foreigners come in -> natives see each other as traitors/don't know who's traitor, who's not/spoil to each other as kin in contact with foreigners -> England is killed thereby because the cells aren't cohering into a whole and England becomes a spirit again or takes on a new form.

20 July 2022 at 20:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ben - I personally feel the need for an explanation that 'models' the way in which the individual 'Englishmen' can know and respond to the top-down spiritual guidance. I think it is some combination of an innate disposition (because God chose where to place incarnate spirits) with the decision of each to open his mind to such guidance.

As for how a spiritual-nation might be destroyed - in this entropic world, there are innumerable ways in which creation can be impaired or destroyed.

I agree that the society is 'nested' - but fractals don't actually explain anything in 'real life' (i.e. divine creation) - they are just vague analogies. Fractals are a mathematical property, derived from mathematical axioms; and real life has many other features, and limits not included in mathematics (fractals go on ad infinitum, real life does-not because limited in both directions by max and min magnitude).

21 July 2022 at 09:31

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

A lot to think about here. The idea of an angel of a nation as a tribal patriarch working with other angels makes sense.

In thinking of how a group soul would work, one way that I try to understand it is what would it be like from the inside? That is to say, what would it be like for someone in a nation with a strong group soul.

One way I envision it is that you know that whatever you do it is going to be integrated into society as a whole. You can be in a village and work in isolation without ever talking to people around and yet there is still a connection there that you can feel in that what you are doing still supports others. I find Ben's analogy of a body helpful here, though it's not an exact parallel.

For instance, the whole social framework of medieval society has disappeared. It's not that they had horse drawn wagons and now we have trucks, but rather that the entire framework has gone away. The situation now would be like a cell saying "I'm going to be a red blood cell". But that only works if all the other cells around are doing what they are supposed to do. What does it mean to be a red blood cell in isolation?

Likewise, someone can't just decide to be a medieval blacksmith. You can learn blacksmithing, but that position is based on its relation to others in a medieval society and it doesn't work unless everyone else does it? And what provides the coordination? The group soul.

At least that's how I try to envision it. Like you say, it's not easy to articulate precisely how it would work.

25 July 2022 at 05:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - I see that medieval situation as a half-way house; and the primal situation as being more like a hunter-gatherer tribe; where 'specialization' of function is less categorical; more fluid and personal.

25 July 2022 at 06:31