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Anonymous Marko said...

That is why many of the early martyrs were martyred. They would not consent to do evil, knowing full well the cost. Their martyrdom brought the end of chattel slavery as the Roman Empire was converted by the martyrs heroic virtue and transitioned to become Christendom. For a sin to be mortal it must have three components: 1. Grave matter, 2. Committed with full knowledge, 3. With full consent. If one of these is absent, the sin is not mortal but may be venial. The martyrs refused mortal sin and understood that venial sin accumulates if unrepentant, leading to progressive separation from God.

28 October 2022 at 20:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@M - I believe the reason was different, to do with an earlier stage in the development of consciousness, in which the deed could not be distinguished from the thought.

But it is wrong to assume that only the martyrs, who are regarded as saints, were real Christians. Christ came to save sinners - not only the saints.

28 October 2022 at 20:34

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@gt - Your conceptualization is an example of how Christianity became corrupted, in some of its branches, by failing to recognize the primacy of the Fourth Gospel.

29 October 2022 at 21:29