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Blogger Heather said...

Thanks for this. I had been hoping, just in the last couple of days, that you'd write about psychopaths. I've been reading here for years and can use the search function as well as anyone, but felt that I needed help fleshing out my understanding.

My exact train of thought (if the sync fairies care to hear it) was based on your hospital society post from a couple of days ago. I read the title and first couple of paragraphs, and the first thing to pop into my head was that in my undergrad years, many of the pre-med students struck me as psychopaths. Of course everyone at the University was in some way sick or system-oriented, or they wouldn't be there. The pre-med students I knew seemed to especially delight in personally destroying things, and I was disturbed that these were future doctors! So even though the hospital society post was not literally about hospitals, doctors, students, and psychopaths, it's been on my mind. I also want to be clear that I'm not talking about all doctors or pre-med students, just general observations at a certain time and place.

23 November 2023 at 00:56

Anonymous Colin said...

“ if someone was a full, "qualitative", total psychopath For Sure; then he would certainly be damned,”

Why would such a one ever be born - with no chance of salvation. Just to disturb the rest of us…?

25 November 2023 at 09:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Colin - Because God does not know this.

We are like mini-gods ourselves. Free will/ agency means that our mind, our soul, is not transparent - not even to God.

God can infer our probable inner nature from our behaviour including thinking - but this inference may be mistaken. This is how Satan and the demons happened.

25 November 2023 at 09:50

Anonymous Colin said...

None of us know for sure what another will choose at death. So ‘psychopath’ is our assessment/intuition of what another will choose based on our experience of them in this life.

My natural sense of the meaning of the word is the conclusion that someone will never change in this life. Which only makes it highly unlikely they will at death.

25 November 2023 at 10:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Colin - I agree. But I am saying that - in principle - it may be that some incarnate mortal Men are actually incapable of love, and these would inevitably reject salvation. But as you say, we cannot know this outcome for certain - and neither can God (or, perhaps if God can know this, then that soul will not be incarnated - just as some demons are never incarnated).

25 November 2023 at 11:55