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"Impossible good news"


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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Well, that is good news indeed! Perspective has become a sort of key word and guiding force for me over these past few weeks.

On a side note, I really like the novel you quoted.

24 March 2020 at 08:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - It was such a strong 'conisder the lilies' feeling that I actually caught myself trying to push it down by trying to scare myself! Such are the demonic temptations of life.

24 March 2020 at 12:31

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Thanks for this one. I myself have had some amazing feelings of grace and connection, including with the developing relationship.

My brother was talking to me on the phone yesterday and seemed nonplussed that I didn't seem more worried. "Are you WORRIED about this?" he inquired.

Even the ancient stoics knew that worry was not useful, even if they lacked the hope and sense of connection and love that Jesus could bring.

The other half of this relationship is very disconnected from the matrix, but even she has felt strange shifts and chaos in whatever spiritual and energetic dimension that a sensitive human can access.

It's so very clarifying. I do wish I could find a few more people locally that don't seem primarily driven by fear and despair, however.

24 March 2020 at 13:20

Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

I would echo what others here say. Since this started I have felt increasingly connected to Jesus Christ. An apt description of the feeling was expressed by John Butler in the video shared by Bruce last Friday. A deeply anchored, peaceful feeling.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

24 March 2020 at 14:32

Blogger Brief Outlines said...

Wow, in the last couple of days, I've had moments like this too, but so fleeting and short that I had forgotten about them till reading this! God bless you

24 March 2020 at 17:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jake, Nova, Amo - Glad to hear this! It's a faith-strengthening blessing, for which I am so grateful.

24 March 2020 at 18:03

Blogger Nancy said...

I, too, felt a flickering up-welling of peace and goodness and contentment, today, as I ran some errands. It is good to hear of others being so blessed, as well. Especially in this time of trouble and worry for so many. Blessings to you all. I'm a watcher here (don't like the sound of 'lurker'), and am often strengthened and caused to think outside my normal box, both by the posts (thank you, Bruce) and by the comments.

25 March 2020 at 01:52

Blogger David Earle said...

From observing social media, and what people like Bill Gates or organizations like WHO are saying, it sounds to me like they are going to claim this pandemic indefinitely. They will say countries will need to remain on lockdown/quarantine because day-by-day it's "just not safe yet". They will continue to say this with complete disregard to the economy.

I feel like very soon (weeks) countries/people will be faced with the question--do we ignore advice from "experts" and go back to work, or remain at home out of fear of the virus.

I think that's how this will play out. There's going to be a rising tension in countries. Fortunately, Trump appears at least to want to release these restrictions asap before irreversible damage is done, while other countries will claim to follow expert advice from WHO, and remain closed while never estimating a date.

It will come down to PEOPLE begging to open up their countries again. And there will be the other half of their country who are begging for those people to remain quarantined by state force.

I feel like by Easter, this battle will start playing out very obviously.

25 March 2020 at 02:33

Blogger a_probst said...

Such a stark contrast to the Syme in Orwell.

25 March 2020 at 19:24

Blogger Brief Outlines said...

More came today, increasing in length and intensity

25 March 2020 at 23:16