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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions



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Anonymous GFC said...

A short post packed with much wisdom.

Unfortunately there is no removing the madmen who squat atop our political and civic institutions - so they will be removed via catastrophe. The West's collapse is imminent - that is a sort of solution to the problem.

24 October 2011 at 12:33

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...



The interesting question is who will replace the madmen?

My guess: No single group, because existing nation states will break-up.

The result would then be a mosaic of any different polities where large nation states used to be (presumably after some violent etc. conflict; except in those places fortunate (?) enough to have a single strong non-mad candidate government-in-waiting).

24 October 2011 at 13:45

Anonymous Daniel said...

"so they will be removed via catastrophe. The West's collapse is imminent - that is a sort of solution to the problem."

Or, perhaps, they will be removed through eucatastrophe. Who, in the long, despairing reign of Denethor, could have seen the coming of Aragorn?


I also think nation-state break-up is very likely (and to be welcomed). Here in the western United States, the inclination remains very strong to view Washington as a foreign occupying power.

24 October 2011 at 17:37

Anonymous dearieme said...

@bgc: this evening's University Challenge played a snippet of Scott Joplin's opera. It was recognisably his work.

24 October 2011 at 20:56

Blogger The Crow said...

I don't know how long I've been discussing this very topic with my wife, but it's been a long time.
I used to try to understand leftism, but decided if I did understand it, I would really be in trouble.
Clearly, leftism is madness.
I was looking at some typically heartrending images on the net the other day: homeless kids in India, starving kids in Africa, and thinking how grateful I felt that this was not my lot in life.
While every comment, by other viewers, made it clear that all anybody else felt was guilt.
All the life has been removed from peoples' lives, and they, themselves, are not really living, any more.
Only emoting all over the place.

25 October 2011 at 05:07

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


Charming vision of Mr and Mrs Crow on their nest, chatting! ;=)

@Dearieme - Yes, I have listened to Treemonisha. It was Joplin right enough, with good bits; but didn't seem to be at his highest level.

25 October 2011 at 17:22