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Blogger Thordaddy said...

Suicide is the wrong word... Self-annihilation highlights the procedural and thus ideological nature of the phenomenon.

Toleration plus nondiscrimination equals the surest path to self-annihilation.

Suicide says "spontaneous and desperate." This is not what is going down.

23 May 2015 at 21:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ST - way off topic, sounds monomaniacal...

24 May 2015 at 05:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Th- I agree that self-annihilation captures the nuance better - but it involves inventing a new category, whereas there have been some mass suicide cults, where there was apparently a non-spontaneous,non-desparate but instead long-term planned group suicide.

24 May 2015 at 05:46

Anonymous JP said...

Suicide says "spontaneous and desperate."

Outside observers often don't see it coming, but suicide is rarely spontaneous. It involves a lot of thought and planning, and often several failed attempts before it succeeds.

Individual suicides can come from hopelessness or desperation. But they can also be intended to send a message - "notice me!" or "I hope you're sorry now!"

Ideologically driven mass suicides are not spontaneous and desperate. They are carefully planned and organized, and there is always a political message or purpose (which may or may not seem "rational" to outsiders).

In the case of the modern Left, in addition to the desire for destruction for its own sake, I get a strong sense of petulance; the message is, "we hate you, and we would rather kill everyone, including ourselves, than admit we were wrong and let you win."

24 May 2015 at 16:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JP "suicide is rarely spontaneous. It involves a lot of thought and planning, and often several failed attempts before it succeeds."

Yes, successful suicides are often planned. Doctors do not usually have failed attempts - but certainly two medical suicides I have known were planned.

One drove hundreds of miles to an isolated spot to ensure no interruptions; another cancelled professional journals and engagements weeks ahead of the act.

24 May 2015 at 18:18

Blogger Thordaddy said...

Because most Christians simply will not resort to violence then they are left with the war of words. And if in conducting this war of words, they still speak and write from the liberal frame then the consequence is self-evident. The enemy is a self-annihilator. Abortion is FIRST an act of self-annihilation. Homo-sexual, properly defined, IS self-annihilation. The mechanisms of this self annihilation are tolerance (the embrace of pain) and nondiscrimination (being indiscriminate). Suicide does not capture the essence of the phenomenon because the annihilation of the self occurs over time starting with the spirit to the intellect and only finally to the physical.

24 May 2015 at 20:47

Anonymous JP said...

"Suicide does not capture the essence of the phenomenon because the annihilation of the self occurs over time starting with the spirit to the intellect and only finally to the physical."

Suicide follows that same progression. As does any sin. You are simply defining suicide as only the final physical act.

24 May 2015 at 22:42

Blogger Thordaddy said...


I didn't define "suicide." I implied that word does not get much attention from the masses because it doesn't actually capture what either side "sees." We ALL AGREE that the primary mechanisms of being are tolerance and our liberates society. The only difference is of coherent perception. The progression is liberated self CREATING new self which becomes a particular self then necessitating the annihilation of the old, hated self. The deception in the mass delusion that creation is primary to liberation when, in fact, it is in the annihilation of the old, hated, particular self that proves one's radical autonomy which is axiomatically perpetually changing. "We" are seeing a self-annihilation emanating from identity crisis. Some say Christianity is not helping to solve the problem. That Christianity itself is self-annihilating? Suicide is a word that makes sure no one will pay attention because it is not ideological or procedural enough. It can best be said to serve as a LIBERAL euphemism, at worst, a "conservative" deception.

26 May 2015 at 07:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Th - I think you make reasonable points - in the end it a matter of nomenclature; and I suspect that self-annihilation will not be understood at all, while suicide cult is attention-grabbing and might induce some people to go further. But I really don't know for sure - and perhaps a sentence can capture a lot more than a word: self-hating, self-annihilating and ultimately suicidal...

Note: I do fear/ suspect that there will *soon* be a kind of epidemic of suicide among ageing Western baby boomers who are unhappy and despairing.

26 May 2015 at 16:21

Anonymous Leo said...


I have elsewhere suggested "infertility cult."

Would the term "stealth genocide" fit?

26 May 2015 at 18:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...[an] epidemic of suicide among ageing Western baby boomers who are unhappy and despairing."

It will depend on what individuals despair of. Deep personal problems such as loneliness, poverty, and illness certainly push quite a few over the edge. But those whose fears run to political, social, and ecological catastrophes and who then seriously consider ending their lives might find a cure in focusing only on things that directly and immediately affect them rather than on difficulties over which they (okay, we) can have no control. "The horror and neglect of the obvious" as Screwtape called it.

In the meantime, the following link might have been more appropriate for a comment on your "Screwtape wants a comfortable, middle-aged world" posting, but all this talk of suicide made me think of it:
It's an O.K. Life (3-min animated short)

27 May 2015 at 04:13