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Blogger ted said...

What's your take on his legacy of the Waldorf schools? I know many parents considering sending their kids to one of them. But the spiritual/political orientation of these parents are New Agey and left. So my sense the schools have lost a lot of orthodoxy, and have been absorbed to the culture at large.

26 May 2017 at 16:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

They are non-denominational - which nowadays means in practice secular Left; and seem to be (from what I read, I have no direct experience) close to (or actually) 100% Leftist - which nowadays means (in practice) anti-Christian.

Thus from my POV they are basically useless; even if they are a bit better than the average school - which may be the case, or not.

My general view is that Steiner made a major, indeed lethal, error in trying to make Anthroposophy separable from being-a-Christian.

26 May 2017 at 19:04