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Blogger David Balfour said...

Agreed. And yet the confusion is so deeply seated a *capacity* such as intuition is denied to exist or explained away by the imposition of some artificial cognitive explanation or other bogus rationalisation, such as the relegation of the quality of agency or free will or agency to that of an 'epiphenomenon.' Nowadays the more interesting question to me is why people do not feel or intuit intuition, why they do not 'just know' they *obviously* have agency. It seems like if you think about either of these two properties for any length of time, which presumably people don't or can't, then you break the mould of the secular mindset in one fell swoop and can start to make some real progress to escape from the 'thought prison' of modernity towards a correct and fuller understanding of reality.

31 March 2016 at 12:26

Blogger Seeker said...

Dr Charlton: "And how to achieve this becomes a vital project for each of us, as we seek the best method for our unique self, in our unique circumstances - e.g. prayer of some type or another, some kind of meditation, some kind of artistic practice, some kind of conversation or consultation... whatever it may be."

Even including participating in the conversation of this blog.


2 April 2016 at 18:59