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Blogger William Wright (WW) said...

In trying to nail down some things relative to the red skies and black mountains of my own dream, I thought of Byron.

His full name is interesting: George Gordon Byron.

I started with Byron and the fact that it is a name related to working with cattle. It means "Place of the cowsheds", and was a title give to cattle workers. I thought of Jesus' words about calves being led up to the stall, or something like that.

George either means "Farmer or Earthworker"

And Gordon means "great hill" andor "fortress". I've actually covered that name in particular before relative to both Tirion-Jerusalem, and with the Numenoreans, specifically Pharazon.

In any case, with that name, you have something like:

Farmer great hill fortress place of the cowsheds

Adding a few actions in there and some imagery from your dream, you could imagine Byron riding into the storm (leaving the West and heading East) to rustle up some cattle and bring them back home.

A potential idea at least.

July 9, 2024 at 12:53 AM