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Anonymous Benny said...

Knowing there is a huge "correction" coming would explain why the demonrats are not serious about removing the current resident. That way the Fed will be able to crash the economy and blame Republicans for everything. It seems to be their playbook, spend wat too much, then leave the GOP holding the bag so they get the blame for the pain caused by putting out the various fires the started.

July 8, 2024 at 12:47 PM

Blogger michigan doug said...

I've seen the opposite. I don't carry a balance and my they keep wanting to increase my credit limits. The main cards I use pay me 2-3 percent back and they don't get any interest from me.

July 8, 2024 at 1:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently saw in local supermarket a half gallon of milk priced at $4.49. A notice taped under the price tag stated that the contents was reduced from 64 to 59 ounces and the item was not available to WIC payment. If that won't get your attention, you have the brains if a garden slug.

July 8, 2024 at 2:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same exact thing happened to me in 2008, my limit was reduced by 50% - good credit score, had/have never missed a payment.

July 8, 2024 at 3:05 PM

Anonymous JC said...

Lots of things have gone up in price during the past 3 years. Regular auto maintenance for example. Oil change for my vehicle has gone from $79 to $140. I spent nearly $2K on scheduled 80K mile service (timing belt and water pump) a few months ago. They told me it used to be $1200 in 2020.
I quit going to the place I used for my dogs grooming. Was coming up on $200 for both of them, used to be $120. Found someone who does a better job from her home for half the price.
Garden and lawn supplies are up a lot. The bag of weed and feed I use went from $39 to $75. I like it because it works well, but dang.
Going to be a grandpa in a few months, looking at baby supplies and wow are some of these things expensive!
I could come up with a bunch more things. What annoys me is they intentionally leave things out of their calculations, particularly stuff that people have to have, and they still lie with the results. Of course, I gave up expecting accurate and honest information from the government years ago.

July 8, 2024 at 3:36 PM

Blogger Old NFO said...

Those who 'live' on credit cards are in for a RUDE awakening... And soon!

July 8, 2024 at 4:52 PM

Blogger Steve Sky said...

The Gov't (deliberately) undervalues the rate of inflation calculated by the CPI because there are a number of Gov't programs that have their COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) indexed to the rate of inflation. If the Gov't calculated the real rate of inflation the COLA increase would bankrupt the Gov't immediately.

As a result, there have been two times in my lifetime where the Gov't changed how it calculates the rate of inflation to artificially reduce the CPI. The most ridiculous example is the current rate calculation that doesn't include the price of food or fuel in the the CPI. Or stated another way, if you don't eat, don't heat/cool your residence, and don't drive, you'll come out somewhere near the Gov't CPI rate. Sucks for you on fixed incomes living in the real world.

July 8, 2024 at 5:26 PM

Blogger Carteach said...

Two years.

July 8, 2024 at 6:51 PM

Blogger Jester said...

I work for the VA and I can tell you they are already freezing or hardly replacing folks that leave. The budgets are already being cut while asking us to do more for Vets. I'd be fine with that if the corrupt folks in Central office were not illegally giving themselves bonuses. But know they are already cutting things to pay off other things. VA budget is appropirated differently and for longer periods of time. What we are seeing for purchase of medical supplies are those are all skyrocketing in price to the point even .gov contracts are being canceled by the vendors/mfgs due to not being able to make things at the contracted cost. (Some is their fault for way underbidding and some of it is inflation has caught them too)

Wanna bet that some of our already appropriated funding being cut or peeled out of the VA is being pushed to other programs say.. student loan forgiveness? Those so called undocumented workers? Whatever other programs that are now seeing shortfalls that are either directly funded each year with the budget or with special appropriated funds?

10.8 Million dollars was taken, stolen though so the corrupt top brass still is sucking the system dry before they bail ultimately.

July 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Blogger pyotr said...

Way back in my reckless youth, I literally was paying the master card with the visa card. (And the Visa card with the Optima card). Round and round she goes ...
But as I made a minimum payment on all of them, everybody was happy, and my credit limits were often extended.

Then I missed a payment and the house of cards collapsed.

July 9, 2024 at 11:03 AM

Anonymous Andrew B said...

About 3 years ago my wife and I set in motion a plan for our long-term financial stability. We sold a huge white elephant of a house in Florida, moved to one of the most affordable states in the country, and bought a small, easily-maintained home for cash. We live a quiet life, no extravagances, and have worked to pay off almost all of our debt.

The dream was to retire, then take our tiny camper around to see a bit of the country before we become infirm or the world implodes. Now, with inflation out of control, it looks like we may both have to work until we die. A lifetime of hard work, deferred gratification and paying our way for nothing. Oh well, onward.

July 9, 2024 at 11:10 AM

Blogger Xoph said...

Multiple restaurant chains are bankrupt or durn close. One small business owner is doing everything he can to avoid raising prices, he knows his customers are hurting.

Credit card companies charge around 4% as their share in a transaction. Pay chase.

The plan is the wreck the dollar and go to digital currency to monitor/control everything.

Locate local farmers and get your meat direct. Look at packaging. Product of the US just means it was packaged here, not produced. This is very prevalent with food. We turn corn into gasohol and import beef from South America. Research the big suppliers of meat, you will want to deal with farm to table. Build your contacts now, they will help build the infrastructure.

Buy ahead if you can. ID things that are necessary and look where they are produced. Can you buy ahead? Buy from Temu or Alibaba. You are only cutting out the middle man, the goods are still produced in the same place.

July 9, 2024 at 3:31 PM